The Top Gifts of Love

By: Ashley Finch

Feburary 1, 2017

Are you still not sure what to get your significant other for Valentine’s Day?? 

Well Journalism is here to help you! We took a poll on what the best gifts were to give and to receive for both boys and girls! Here are the results! 

Gifts Girls Want to Receive:

Time with my man 

Time Alone 


Trips or Adventure 

“Vile of tears they have shed for me” 

Gifts Guys Want to Receive: 

“Something from the Heart” 

Dinner, food 


A night out 

Chicken Wings/Steak 

Girls’ Favorite Gifts to Give: 


My Presence 

Tools: “Man Stuff” 


Guys’ Favorite Gifts to Give: 

A night out 

Something meaningful 



It was interesting to see the difference between what girls and guys prefer. Hopefully this list will help you when you start to run out of time for your Valentine’s Day surprise! 

On a side note, a fantastic response that we received was a quote from Mr. Patrick Irwin: 

“I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day. It’s a day you're supposed to love your significant other… when really you should love them all the time. I like to give gifts when they least expect it, not when it’s expected.”