French Visitor 

Emanuel Nzungize

By: Lauren Rembold

May 18, 2018

Bonjour! Monday May 14th, Madame Sturdevant and her French classes welcomes visitor Emanuel Nzungize, as well as his wife Rachael.

Emanuel is from Rwanda, Africa and is 29 years old. He has a degree in Science, as well as Nursing. He married Rachael 3 weeks ago after meeting her in 2015 at a hospital they both worked at in Africa.

After telling the class about himself, he began to talk about the history of his country. He told them about the Massacre that happened in the country in 1994, killing nearly 1 million people in 100 days- that is 1,000 people a day. He also discussed some of the culture, agriculture, and animals.

People in Rwanda speak many languages, Kinyarwanda and French being the main ones.  However, English is taking over and is now considered an official language, and they are trying to introduce it in schools.  It became the official language in schools (over French) about 10 years ago. As you can imagine, finding teachers who speak English is a huge problem and many students don't go to high school anyway.

Once he had concluded in his speech, the students were able to ask him questions in both French as well as English.They asked him how him and his wife, Rachael met, where he lived currently, and what this future plans were.

Thank you for sharing your culture and story with us, Mr. Nzungize!