Franklin On Ice

Written and Photographed by: Hannah Niederriter                                                                                                                                             2/9/19

Nolan Herrell posing for a picture while sitting on an ice sculpture.

Franklin on Ice

Photos and Article by Hannah Niederriter

Many Venango County residents gathered to witness the dazzling winter wonders of Franklin’s annual Franklin on Ice in Fountain Park this previous weekend. 

Ice carvings galore were on display for all to see on the 9th of February, 2019, along with many other enthralling activities to participate in or observe. From free delicacies and drinks, to a mystifying magic show, the weekend’s schedule was jam packed with a variety of captivating events.

These intricately designed, awe inspiring sculptures were crafted with significant time and attention to detail. Artisans from all around the area leapt at the chance to display their talent to any and all attendees. Glimmering ice animals lined the walkways, a glasslike throne captured the marvelling eyes of many, and a grand, sturdy slide amassed the attention of young onlookers. 

Local businesses even lended a helping hand to the excitement by offering an assortment of deals and shopping opportunities to the public. Boutiques, galleries, and more from Liberty Street to West Park Street were overflowing with storewide savings, chocolate and wine tastings, discounted tours, etc. As a comfort to many on such a frigid day, some of these stores even offered free hot chocolate, coffee, or tea. 

Following the afternoon’s festivities, several more performances surfaced to wrap up the chilly evening. Local singers, such as Ian Best and Ashleigh Bennett, assembled at the Barrow-Civic Theatre for a celebration of talent around approximately 7:30 P.M..

Smiles and laughter filled the air as this welcoming event drew to a close. Franklin on Ice, along with its corresponding activities, are always a highlight in the bleak winter months. This memorable day will surely be anticipated for years to come.

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