First Day 2019

Written by Jenna Seigworth                                                                                                                                                       8/27/2019

And So It Begins…

By Jenna Seigworth | 8/27/2019 

“The most important person in this room for your success is you!” 

Mr. Smith, Cranberry’s principal, made a point at this year’s back to school assembly to inspire and motivate students to take what comes to them, find their niche, and be energized throughout the year.

The 2019-2020 school year has begun at Cranberry School District. The halls are bustling with eager (or not so eager) students ready to begin the one hundred and seventy nine day trek to summer. 

Now that the first day jitters have settled, many students have found themselves picking up exactly where they left off last year. 

Photo by Jenna Seigworth: Mr. Smith addressing the student body and impressing upon them that each and every one matters 

Several seniors that I spoke to all agreed with one statement, however: “We feel like juniors still. Not much has changed except for the lunch table that we sit at,” said Emily Duncan. 

Seventh graders, on the other hand, have mixed feelings about their first days. “It was annoying to walk back and forth,” said Tanner Kightlinger. 

Other seventh graders expressed their nervousness for the upcoming year, but really have enjoyed the change of pace from elementary school. 

I also took some time to speak with Mr. Smith, and his response on his feelings about the first day were extremely optimistic. 

“Today was great. It seemed to be a very good start to what looks to be a smooth year. The newest parent drop off went very smoothly, and the bus drivers have given great feedback. Everyone is ready, the school is looking beautiful, and I have an amazing feeling about this year.” 

Even the newest staff seems to be diving deep into the buzz of the new school year. Mr. Deemer, our debuting vice principal, had this to say about CHS’s first day:

“I absolutely love it. Mr Smith, the staff, and all the students have been so nice and welcoming here. I truly wouldn’t think twice about going back to my previous school. Everyone here is so kind, and I feel at home.”

All in all, Cranberry’s first day went exactly as expected with students and staff alike smiling and ready to begin another wonderful year. 

Here’s to the 2019-2020 school year and the adventure yet to come! 

Photo by Jenna Seigworth

Photo by Jillian Plummer

Photo by Ava Fischer