Feathers Flying in Third Grade

Written By: Carly Wice and Rachael McCauley                                                                                                                                                     4/15/19

Feathers Flying in Third Grade

By: Carly Wice and Rachael McCauley | 4-15-19

Mrs. Findley´s third grade class at Cranberry Elementary recently hatched a few different breeds of chickens. The students hatched Ameraucana, Golden Polish Laced, and Silver Polish Laced chicks. 

Nine chicks hatched all together and the class has not yet determined the gender of all of the chicks. Mrs. Findley has been teaching the children how to determine the sex of the chicks based on their rows of feathers and the curves of their beaks. 

This has been Mrs. Findley´s sixteenth year hatching eggs with her students, and she looks forward to hatching different breeds of birds in future years.

Photo Gallery 

Student keeps chick warm while outside the heater. 

Photo by Rachael McCauley

Chick stares at playmates. 

Photo by Rachael McCauley

Student picks out a chick to play with. 

Photo by Carly Wice

Chick gets cared for by 3rd grader.

 Photo by Carly Wice