Equations Results

By: Gayle Mitchell

April 10, 2018

Congratulations to all Cranberry Teams who participated and placed in the Riverview IU Equations Tournament on Thursday, March 22nd.

Cranberry 7th graders (Noel Bunyak, Jeremy Hacherl, Ellabay Perry, and Brooke Whitling) took first place in the 7th and 8th Grade Division.

Cranberry 8th grade students (Maria Anderson, Shirley Jiang, Hannah Niederriter, and Trevor Olson) played in the 9th and 10th Grade Division and earned the first place trophy.

A third Cranberry team (Rachel Bell, Michael Gunn, Dylan Lu and Logan Peterson) placed 2nd in the 9th and 10th Grade Division.  

Four students, Noel Bunyak, Jeremy Hacherl, Hannah Niederriter, and Brooke Whitling received undefeated player honors. 

Equations is a game of creative mathematics where students attempt to balance equations by finding a solution expression that will equal a set goal expression.  The students are bound by special rules called "variations." Students choose three variations per match where they will face two students from other schools. The variation choices may be as easy as allowing a zero to be any number or they may be extremely difficult and require the students to solve the problem in a different base (for example Base 8 or Base 11 instead of our normal Base 10.)