Energizing Opportunities

Written by Brooke Whitling Photography by Brooke Whitling                                     12/19/22

On Wednesday, December 14, Cranberry School District and Bridge Builders Community Foundations, who oversees the district’s educational trust, received a donation of $25,000 from Cypress Creek Renewables, a solar energy company. 

Cypress Creek Renewables, a North Carolina based company, focuses on the installation of solar energy farms. The panels use a tracking system and bifacial technology, which means that they follow the sun like sunflowers. The bifacial technology allows panels to harvest solar energy from both sides of the panel. During the winter, snow reflects light that can be absorbed by the underside of the panel, ensuring year-round efficiency. 

These attributes make solar farms suitable for northwestern Pennsylvania, which is a focus region for the company. By the end of 2023, the company will have one operational solar farm in Venango County. An additional project, specifically in Cranberry Township, is set to be completed by 2024. 

These projects opened the door for a partnership with the school district, as Cypress Creek Renewables stresses the importance of giving back to the communities which they service. 

Bill Vonada, the Cranberry Area School District Superintendent, and Trenton Moulin, the President and CEO of Bridge Builders Community Foundations, the non-profit financial management organization with which the school district partners to operate an educational trust, met with Cypress Creek Renewables’ Parker Sloan to discuss the possibilities of the company’s donation. 

Through their meeting, Vonada and Moulin gave a snapshot of the local region as well as educational culture. This included an overview of the STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) opportunities within the school district. 

Speaking to the robust robotics programs, primarily through the VEX curriculum and competitions, Vonada expressed the expanded and embraced role of STEM in the students’ lives. 

Sloan echoed the value of STEM as he explained,“It is important to me and the company to make partnerships with each community we work in and become part of. One major way to do this is through expanding STEM education. Personally, I believe that it is incredibly important to the future of our country and the solar industry.” 

Beyond STEM opportunities, the donation will be useful to the overall accessibility of educational initiatives. Vonada reiterated that the grant presents endless possibilities for putting resources into the hands of as many students as possible. 

From the philanthropic role, Moulin expressed Bridge Builders’ gratitude to serve as a charitable vehicle, facilitating the realization of these opportunities, as well as gratitude for Cypress Creek Renewable’s generous donation. 

The meeting ended on an engaging note, with each of the parties eagerly looking to the future of the partnership. 

Speaking on his enthusiasm for the partnership, Vonada commented, “I am super excited for the kids! This new partnership will not only promote STEM education, but also build overall opportunities for students, in person. From general education to career readiness, it is honestly just a great opportunity. I am just very excited for our kids.”