Cupid Returns with Inspired Poetry

Written by Natalie Sandrock                                                                                                                                                                  2/26/21 

Cupid Returns with Inspired Poetry

Valentine’s Day arrived at Cranberry with an annual poetry contest. Students were given two prompts, Valentine’s Day and Anti-Valentine’s Day. Poetry submissions were judged and winners in both junior high and senior high were selected. 

First place for junior high went to Raquel Knight with her poem “Valentine’s Day and first for senior high went to Dylan Lu with his poem ”The Search for Oasis”. 

Senior high’s second place went to Kelly O’Brien whose poem was titled “Remembering” and third place went to an anonymous student who called her poem “The Greatest Risk.” 

Prizes for winning included a trophy, stickers, candy, and first place winners received a stuffed animal. 

Please enjoy their poetry.

Poetry winners from left to right: Raquel Knight, Kelly O’Brien, Dylan Lu, Romalda Rhodes (Photography by Amber Holt)


1st place Senior High

“The Search for Oasis” by Dylan Lu 

Love is an ageless thing,

Like the rough desert sand,

Shifting and changing,

Dispersing through the land.

Some dunes seem timeless,

Others blow away,

Each built on moments of eternity,

Like when cherries blossoms in May.

From time to time, sand solidifies,

These moments formed into stone,

They can grow into cliff faces,

Or simply erode.

Brick by brick,

These moments amassed,

Can be laid into foundations,

Or pyramids built to last.

Though these monuments hold beauty,

And magnificent tales,

The flowing sands hold no mercy,

Nor do the bitter, brisk gales.

Despite this, the journey’s worth taking,

Within these grains is a way to feel whole,

Beyond these harsh winds and sandstorms,

May await the other half of your soul,

In an oasis out the desert’s toll. 

2nd  place Senior High

Remembering” by Kelly O’Brien

Remember the leaves falling?

The gold ones, silver ones,

And a blood red leaf drifting, just like us.

Remember the crystal snowflakes?

Gently they floated,

just like the dress you wore years before this hell,

looking lovelier than a southern belle.

Remember the pictures we took?

You and me were caught in a spring scene,

with flower blossoms in your hair

and a smile brighter than the sun.

Remember our aimless walks

and meandering talks?

The world burned and turned,

all while life spiraled down, down.

Ash in the sky,

Bodies left to die.

The acid rain poured, sizzling and splashing.

As my last breath dies out,

I hope you remember.

3rd place Senior High

"The Greatest Risk" (by anonymous)

You really can't blame others

when love fades away

for we knew from the beginning

that it never promised to stay

you may end up with a broken heart

but remember this was what you signed up for

from the very first start

it's just one of those things 

where the stakes are high

because sometimes it's forever

and sometimes it's goodbye

there's only so much that you can give

and if that isn't enough

then you must continue to live

life doesn't last long enough

to lock away your heart

just because it forced

two loving people apart

throw yourself into life 

and never stall

for the greatest risk

is to risk nothing at all

so for now endure all of your pain

because if you want see the rainbow

you must wait for the rain

1st place Junior High

Valentine’s Day” by Raquel Knight

Valentine's Day is only 4 days away 

Gather up for all loved ones 

Just wait for the day 

They love you tons 

Singing and laughing 

Chocolates and sweets

Asking and bragging 

Then loved ones meet 

I love you to the moon and back they say 

You sit and listen 

Hoping they won't go away 

Them asking for your permission  

Then you say Happy Valentine’s Day