Cruisin’ Into Safe Driving Week

Written by Hannah Niederriter                                                                                                                                                                             5/17/21

Cruisin’ Into Safe Driving Week

One of the most prominent concerns in regards to student driving is their safety on the road. For the past several years, Cranberry High School has dedicated a week to promoting safe driving, and this year is no different. This week, the journalism class is holding a series of events to encourage responsible vehicle operation for both drivers and riders.

This year, the overarching message the Journalism class wants to get across is that driving responsibly can “Save a Life.” People don’t always stop to consider the drastic consequences of texting, drinking, or even eating while operating a vehicle until their lives are personally impacted by reckless driving. Making a choice to keep your eyes on the road is a simple way to positively affect yourself, your family and friends, and your community.

Throughout lunches, activities such as chalk drawing and simulated sobriety tests will be held for students to participate in while furthering their understanding of the importance of safe driving. Each day is also accompanied by a memorable slogan including “Let’s not meet by accident,” “No caution isn’t an option,” “Don’t distract to stay in tact,” “Don’t let a like ruin a life,” and “Make a decision to save a life.”

Be sure to keep an eye out for and participate in the upcoming safe driving week campaign, and perhaps it will teach you how to save a life in the process!