Crantopian election 2020

Written by Amber Holt                                                                                                                                                                10/21/20

Welcome to the 2020 Crantopia Election!

With the upcoming presidential election, CHS has begun to make preparations for our very own Crantopia election. Hosted by Cranberry’s journalism class, the campaign is set to mirror the real life candidates, situations, and events. 

This year’s candidates are as follows: Tronald Dump (Republican Party), Boe Jiden (Democratic Party), Betty Borgensen (Libertarian Party), and Henry Hawkins (Green Party). 

Candidates participating in the Crantopia election are to go head to head in a presidential debate on October 29th. The event will be livestreamed during CHS’s activity period for the student body to get a feel of the candidates’ political stances. 

Voters should also be on the lookout for videos, signs, social media accounts, posters, and other such promotional material within the next week. 

At the end of the campaign, the polls will open, and voting will occur on November 3rd.

Each of Crantopia’s candidates went on to detail their noteworthy plans and goals for their upcoming campaign.

Candidate Tronald Dump intends to, “Lead the school in a direction of unification, and thus, unity,” stated Tronald’s financial advisor. 

Candidate Boe Jiden proclaimed, “We need to build back Crantopia better. This virus has knocked us down, but with good, honest leadership, we can build it back better than before.”

Candidate Betty Borgensen stated, “My goal is to bring a larger voice to the student body. This will allow them to help make schoolwide decisions.” 

Candidate Henry Hawkins also claimed, “I intend to fight for environmental, economic, social, and political justice and equality. I believe that we need to reform our system in order to give equal access to everyone. Democracy needs to be in all parts of life; it’s not just something you vote for every few years”.  

Be sure to watch for any campaign updates and remember to vote!