Written by Sara Uddin                                             Photography by Lindsay Perry                                                           5/30/19

Students focused on their committee (photo by Lindsay Perry) 


Written by Sara Uddin | Photography by Lindsay Perry | 5/30/19

Cranberry High School hosted their first Model UN conference on May 28th, 2019. 

This academic activity is for students interested in history and the art of diplomacy. Students participate in several events where they take on the role of a real person in a pivotal point in history (For example:  Gen. Ulysses S. Grant during the Civil War.) They then work with other students who are playing roles in the same situation to resolve problems or conflicts that arise. 

According to Dylan Lu, committee chair, “Model UN is basically pulling in a bunch of kids, putting them in a room, and making them cooperate and work together to reach a common goal”. 

This year's CRUNC, Cranberry United Nations Conference, was made up of two committees: Sino- Japanese War and Salem Witch Trials.

Within the Sino-Japanese committee, the high school students turned into Nationalists and Communists during the second Sino-Japanese war. The students fought to not only defend their borders against Japanese invasion, but to prosper China. 

Evan Hepler was chosen as best delegate, and Nick Richar was awarded best position paper within the committee.

In the Salem Witch Trials committee, students became important figures of that era. They had to make tough decisions regarding witch trials, allegations, and 17th century rules. The end goal of this committee was to determine the innocence of the accused.

Madalynn Bunyak was awarded best delegate for the Salem Witch Trials, while Jillian Plummer got best position paper.



Position Papers:

Honorable Mention Position Paper - Nick Richar

Honorable Mention Position Paper - Austin Seigworth

Overall in Committee:

Honorable Mention Delegate (3rd place) - Jeremy Hacherl

Outstanding Delegate (2nd place) - Nick Richar

Verbal Commendations - Logan Peterson and River Perry


Position Papers: 

Honorable Mention Position Paper - Madalynn Bunyak

Honorable Mention Position Paper - Ady Carter

Overall Committee

Honorable Mention Delegate (3rd Place) - Olivia Plummer

Outstanding Delegate (2nd Place) - Noel Bunyak