Cranberry Student Wins Big in Weld-Off

Written by Nick Richar and Samuel Black Wigren                                                                                                                                     2/14/20 

Cranberry Student Wins Big in Weld-Off

“I was overwhelmed and excited,” said Dakota Urey who recently placed 2nd at a College-Level AWS Weld-Off.

Urey is a current Cranberry High School student who attends CCAC (Community College of Allegheny County) at night. He goes to the Venango Technology Center through the day,enrolled in their welding shop, then takes classes at CCAC in the evenings. 

It was through the college class that Urey had the opportunity to participate in the competition held in December at the Pittsburgh Technical Institute. 

Preparing for the event, Urey stated that he spent weeks practicing: “I had to perfect the vertical up and overhead welding positions.”

Winning 2nd place, he received a $200 cash prize, a plaque, and an X-Ray qualification from the System One Testing Laboratory.

Noting the role his instructor played, he stated, “I’ve had such a great welding instructor who has given me the opportunity to do this.”

Cranberry junior, Dakota Urey, standing with welding instructor Travis Crate as he accepts his reward for winning at the College-Level AWS Weld-Off (photograph contributed from the Cranberry School District Site)