Cranberry Journalism Students Awarded for Excellence

Written by Hannah Niederriter                                                                                                                                                         10/15/20 

Cranberry Journalism Students Awarded for Excellence

In the world before COVID-19, Cranberry students swept several categories at the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association’s Keystone Press Awards. 

In the Ongoing News Coverage category, the entire journalism class was awarded first place for their diligent and in-depth reporting on current events. The Ongoing News Coverage category acted as an umbrella for any series of articles, videos, or other produced works that covered the same topic, but were created at varying points in time over the course of the school year.

The prior year’s directors of journalism accepted this award, and these students included Joe Gunn, Jenna Seigworth, Dylan Lu, Amber Holt, and Hannah Niederriter. 

Back row: Gabe Dresbach, Dylan Lu, Joe Gunn, Cara Andres, Jillian Plummer, Hunter Redfield, Jacob Umstead;  Front Row: Hannah Niederriter, Amber Holt, Ava Fischer, Jenna Seigworth

 (Photographed by Trisha Dixon March 10, 2020)

Taking third place in the Video Story category were former Cranberry students Jillian Plummer, Hunter Redfield, and Jacob Umstead.

Two students earned awards in the News Photo category; former senior Cara Andres won second place, and Gabe Dresbach, a current member of the journalism class, was awarded third place. 

As a junior, Ava Fischer achieved three awards for her photography. She received first place in the Feature Photo category, second place in the Sports Photo category, and second place in the category of Photo Story. 

Although the winners were announced in the previous year, every students’ awards were sent to the high school. Following the ribbons’ arrival at Cranberry, students received their awards via mail due to the pandemic.

Photo Gallery

Ava Fischer won a first place award and two second place awards at the Keystone Press Awards 2020 (Photography by Gabe Dresbach) 

Dylan Lu, Hannah Niederriter, Natalie Sandrock, and Amber Holt accept the JPUB class’s first place award for “Ongoing News Coverage” at Keystone Press Awards 2020. This award was won by the entire class for a week’s coverage of one event which included writing, photography, and videography. (Photography by Kara Daugherty) 

Gabe Dresbach wins Honorable Mention at the Keystone Press Awards 2020. (Photography by Ava Fischer)