Cranberry High School Strengthens Character

Written by Madison Earp                               Photography by Brooke Whitling           10/21/22

Cranberry High School is making an effort to pay more attention to the thoughts and feelings of students.  

“I think character strong builds on things we need more of, like honesty and kindness” says Rit Smith, principal.  

Character Strong is based on social and emotional learning, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.  

It’s based on “social and emotional learning” says Logan McMahon, 8th grade reading teacher.  

Every Wednesday, students group together in various classrooms with 2 different teachers,

In character strong you do activities that focus on “building relationships, being kind, being aware of others, and building a judgment free environment” stated Kayla Loll, vice principal.

“I’m excited about it because it’s a new way to engage in topics that aren’t given in school.  It also helps kids learn how to be themselves” said Colin Milne.