Cranberry Elementary Art Program

Where it All Begins…

By: JPub Press

May 22, 2018

Students are welcomed with color and life by the entrance of Mrs. Zerbe’s art classroom.

“There’s never a lack of motivation. I start to see talent develop in my students with a real interest in art.”

    As students near Mrs. Zerbe’s classroom, it is immediately noticeable that this classroom is not like any other room that they come across all day. Filled with color in projects, posters, and decoration, the art room is visibly a place for expression and fun. Upon interview, Mrs. Zerbe explained that the art room “gives the students a place to think creatively; a place in which nothing is wrong.” She elaborated, saying “every class in school has right and wrong answers. Here, they are all right, just different.” With this mindset, the students are encouraged to be creative, allowing them to discover the world of art and their talents within it.

    “Every class in school has right and wrong answers. Here, they are all right, just different.”

    Mrs. Zerbe also described her love for her job. She explained that she loves to be surrounded by what she loves to do all day while giving her students the opportunity to be a part of it. 

“Not every student is going to love art. But that’s okay. This is the time to find out, so when they are older they can make their decisions easier,” she said about her fourth-grade students as they worked on their weaving projects. Though some students do not wish to pursue art, all students seemed to enjoy the atmosphere of the class and continued to work hard. “There’s never a lack of motivation. I start to see talent develop in my students with a real interest in art,” Mrs. Zerbe added.

Student Voices

We interviewed a fourth grade class while they were working on their weaving projects. 

Lainee, 4th Grade

What is your favorite part of art class? L: “Probably getting to chose my own colors and not being told what I have to choose.” 

Ella, 4th Grade

What is your favorite part of art class? E: “You get to be creative, express your feelings on paper.” 

Why do you think art class is important: E: “It gives you a chance to be creative during you don’t always get the chance to be creative in other classrooms, but you do in art class.” 

Conner, 4th Grade (Mrs. Zerbe’s Son)

What do you think is important about art class? C: “It’s about being crafty and making your own designs.” 

Is it weird having your mom as your art teacher? C: “Not really because I know I always have an adult in the building to look after me.” 

Even though art class has a more free environment, there are still rules. Mrs. Zerbe says “It’s a lot of managing, there are 650 kids… It can be chaotic, a lot of talking. It’s a balance between work and being social.” 

Mrs. Zerbe says she knew she wanted to be an art teacher in 2nd grade. “My neighbor was an art teacher and I was just so happy and comfortable when I got in that room.” Mrs. Zerbe also discussed how she always wanted to have a family and that being a teacher is very “conducive to being a mom.”

In a final statement, Mrs. Zerbe said, “I get to teach what I love, which is hard to find.”