Christmas Concerts

Cran News Staff                                                                                                                                                                       December 20, 2018

Musicality Showcased at Cranberry

Cranberry's annual choir and instrumental Christmas concerts were held December 13th and 19th, respectively. In case you missed one, both events were live streamed and can be watched on our Youtube channel.  

Music for each show was selected by the directors and could not have been more appropriately chosen. Students performed beautifully showcasing their talents. 

According the band instructor, Mr. Poff, "Student have worked really hard on these peices and I am really proud of them." 

Mr. Yoder, the choir director, said that his students have put in extra hours practicing music and were very excited to perform for the community.  

Of special note, an interview was conducted by our very own Rachael McCauley at the conclusion of the instrumental concert. She interviewed senior Kendra McCoy.  See the interview below.