Bullying Assembly

By: Kara Shaffer and Taylor Dailey

December 12, 2017

On the special day of November 11, 2017 CHS welcomed a bullying speaker, Keith Deltano. During the presentation, Keith talked about when he was younger, and the bullying that he was put through in high school. In Keith’s high school, he struggle with all the disabilities that he had. By the time Keith graduated school, he had all honors, and learned how to deal with his disabilities like dyslexia, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), and Auditory Processing Disorder(APD). Keith made the football team in high school, and the coach along with the guidance office helped Keith get help, and Keith went to college to further his education, and went to college to be a school teacher. Keith was a kindergartner teacher for a few years, Keith loved to work with children, and help others out. Keith would teach children to reach out, and help others with their problems. Keith believes that there is not enough love and compassion in the culture, if people would reach out and help others it would make the world a better place. 

The four main forms of bullying are exclusive, in which kids are in a group and whoever isn’t in the group gets picked on. Physical, in which I think speaks for itself. Examples being pushing, punching, and kicking. Online, which you can send any threat you want behind the face of a computer. Last but not least, verbal. Verbal bullying includes name calling, insults, etc. Any type of bullying is wrong, and anyone who is being bullied should reach out and ask someone for help. On our behalf we would like to thank Mr. Smith and Mrs. Daugherty for setting up, and planning for Keith Deltano for coming to Cranberry Jr/Sr high school to speak upon bullying.