Berry Botics Takes on Demo Daze Challenge

Written by Alyssa Wright                                                                                                                                                                                              1/3/22

Berry Botics Takes on Demo Daze Challenge

A few months ago, Berry Botics was given the opportunity to compete at the BEST Robotics Regional Competition. This competition took place at Grove City College on October 22nd and 23rd. 

The theme of the competition was “Demo Daze,” and the challenge was to build and market a robot able to both break down infrastructure, and retrieve the pieces for reuse. The team itself is made up of several factions, each of which work separately to make sure all bases are covered for the competition. The Build Team consists of members that actually design, construct, and program the robot. The Marketing Team, on the other hand, is tasked with essentially selling their product by giving a convincing argument as to why their robot is a valuable asset. The robotics team as a whole is overseen by Mr. O’Brien, Mr. Bedee, and Mrs. Mitchell. 

The competition occurs over the course of two days, the first of which included the marketing competition. The biggest challenge for the marketing team was to build a booth, similar to what would be seen in a trade show, that would draw people in and clearly demonstrate their brand. When working the booth, students were expected to engage with people and talk about the features of the product and the company in order to impress a panel of judges. Marketing students also had to create a company logo, find sponsors, and work to educate the community on their brand. Amber Holt, a senior, received an award for the video that she made for the marketing portion of the competition. 

The following day of the competition consisted of several trials of the robot, ensuring that it can complete the tasks that it was designed to do. From designing a rack and pinion system for light poles relocation to constructing a multi-use four-prong electric servo claws, the team had many obstacles to overcome in addition to completing an engineering notebook that detailed the entire process. This work paid off though, and the Berry Botics team was able to stand their own against more than ten other robots and make it to the semi finals.

CHS seniors Jacob Shultz and Trevor Olson guiding their robot, CTRL Z, at the BEST Robotics Competition. (Photo taken by Amber Holt)

The Berry Botics team poses with their BEST video award. (Photo taken by Mr. Bedee)

Photography by Amber Holt

Berry Botics' robot, CTRL Z, performing at the robotics competition. 

Berry Botics team members Riley Fry and Trevor Olson guiding their robot, CTRL Z, at the BEST Robotics Competition

CHS seniors Hannah Niederriter and Trevor Olson pose in front of their team's marketing booth. 

Photography by Alyssa Wright

Berry Botics advisor Mr. Bedee overseeing preparation for the BEST Robotics competition. 

Berry Botics team preparing for the BEST Robotics competition. 

Berry Botics team preparing for the BEST Robotics competition.