Berries are Back

Written by Ady Carter and Gillian White Photography Gillian White   9/8/22 

Berries are Back!

For the first time since the virus struck, Cranberry Area School District was able to start up normally! 

On August 30th, students flocked the halls eager and excited for what the year will bring.


Restrictions have been lifted allowing closer interactions between classmates. This year, the school has even instilled more activities to benefit the students that involve building community.

While many are dreading the stress that may come with assignments, senior Ellabay Perry has expressed her excitement for what the year has to hold, “I love being back and having a schedule now. Even though it's different, I can get used to the change.” 

Free to experience high school as it was a couple years ago, it is safe to say that exciting events and opportunities will occur and be offered for all students and staff in the 2022-2023 school year.