Apple Crunch Day

Written by Kaia Dean                                                                                                                                                                                   10/31/19 

Apple Crunch Day

By Kaia Dean  | 10/31/19

Halloween is often a time of candies and sweets, but, for the sake of future generations, perhaps we should take a different approach. 

Cranberry’s CRANA club is doing just that with their annual Apple Crunch Day! 

All of the five hundred plus students in the highschool walked a lap through the hallway and pick up an apple when passing through the cafeteria. 

By doing this, many students can enjoy and explore the healthy alternatives to the sugary treats still to come later in the day. 

In the end, Cranberry students and teachers will have a healthier mindset going into trick or treating and will hopefully choose an apple the next time they find themselves in the lunch line. 

Photos by Jacob Umstead