Annual Cranberry Cookout

Written by Gillian White                                                                                                                                                                             5/21/21 

Annual Cranberry Cookout

A Cranberry High School tradition was “well-done” this year. An annual end of the year cookout couldn’t have been on a better summer-like sunny, eighty degree filled with students smiling and laughing together.

“It was cool to eat outside on such a nice day,” said 10th grader Aliah Kay.

The menu for the cookout consisted of hamburgers and hotdogs, prepared by Cranberry’s Principal Ritt Smith and Vice Principal Shawn Deemer.  Students were also served a side of chips, macaroni salad, baked beans, lemonade and a brownie for dessert. 

When asked how he felt about cooking for five-hundred students, Mr. Smith said, “It was nice after the year we had to sit down together and enjoy a meal.” 

Vice Principal Shawn Deemer works hard preparing hamburgers and hot dogs for close to 500 students at Cranberry High School’s annual cookout (photo by Gillian White)

After the students were done eating, they could play yard games like frisbee or cornhole.

Speaking for many of her peers, Hannah Neiderriter said, “I wish we could have more days like this.”

The traditional cookout is an event that signals the ending of the school year. It is something that all Cranberry students look forward to and were glad to experience after the harsh year due to Covid-19.

Photo gallery

Student Council greeted students and staff with leis today. Pictured is Heather Motter, adviser of Student Council, helping distribute leis. (photo by Ava Fischer) 

Students had a fun time with our summer spirit day which included wearing summer attire, receiving leis, and having a cookout (photo by Gabe Dresbach) 

Grill station stop run by Ritt Smith, principal, and Shawn Deemer, vice principal. Pictured is a student getting her freshly grilled burger (photo by Gabe Dresbach) 

Students move through the line to get their meals (photo by Gabe Dresbach)