An Egg-citing Physics Lab

Written by Gillian White                                                                                                                                                                                      5/6/21

An Egg-citing Physics Lab

Students from Cranberry High School in both 11th and Honors Physics recently participated in an egg drop lab to see if they could keep an egg safe from cracking when dropped from approximately twenty feet in the air. 

Students were required to construct an encasing that fit within a two cubic foot area, and certain materials, such as peanut butter and large chunks of wood, were not permitted to be used. Students were also instructed to work in groups of two to three people.

Their instructor, Zach Bedee, said “It applies the ideas behind momentum and impulse”  when discussing the relevance of the lesson. “There were far less eggs cracked this year than from previous years.”

Many students seemed to enjoy this task because it allowed them to participate in a hands-on learning experience while furthering their understanding of concepts pertaining to momentum.

Trevor Olson, an 11th grade student in Academic Physics, stated, “It was a good way to practice the calculations we learned in physics.” 

Bedee hopes to continue this activity in an effort to engage students in the future and to keep Physics fun.

Photo gallery

Unique contraption to protect an egg from cracking built by students in Zach Bedee’s Honors Physics class (Photo by Bo Myers)

Students Nathan Rembold and Preston Forrest set up their egg drop apparatus before the infamous drop (photo by Bo Myers)

Teacher, Zach Bedee, examines students’ Avery Keenan and Trevor Olson’s egg drop apparatus (photo taken by Gabe Dresbach)