8th Grade Students Get “Berry” Scientific

Written by Devin Zerbe                                                                                                                                                                           1/3/20 

8th Grade Students Get “Berry” Scientific

Written by Devin Zerbe | 1/3/20

On December 16th and 17th, Cranberry hosted its second annual 8th grade science fair. 

Led by 8th grade science teacher, Julianna McKissick, the event allows students to conduct personalized experiments and present their results to fellow students, staff members, and family members. 

McKissick says that the idea for the science fair was inspired by a similar project that was organized while she student taught at Clarion University. 

When she began teaching at Cranberry last year, she saw the perfect opportunity to incorporate this idea. 

“I thought it would be something great to bring here,” McKissick added, recalling her thought process.

The project begins as early as September, when McKissick has her students choose what experiments they want to conduct. 

The experiments could take from just a few minutes to a few months, depending on what they involve. 

Once they’re completed, the students are tasked with assembling a presentation board which includes all of the collected data and information. 

These boards are presented in the commons for other students and staff members to see. After school hours, the boards are set up for parents to view. 

Cranberry High School principal, Richard Smith, says that the science fair is “time well spent,” and that the students involved “do very well, and work hard.”

Now an annual event at Cranberry, the science fair will without a doubt be continued for years to come.

Photos by Gabe Dresbach

Student looking at Seth Melling’s science project

Reyna Watson’s science project 

Students Rylee Coe and Ayanna Ferringer enjoying the science fair 

Parent looking at eighth grade students science project 

Community members look at projects during the Science Fair 

Student projects are showcased in the evening for community to view