Health Education K-12

A half-credit health education course is required for graduation at the high-school level. Students in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 are enrolled in a one-semester course that prepares them to better understand human growth and development and recognizes the relationship between behaviors and healthy development. Students will demonstrate personally and socially responsible behaviors which foster respect for themselves and others. A sampling of health issues taught include: wellness, social and emotional maturity, suicide prevention, building self-esteem, rape prevention, domestic violence, child maltreatment, expressing grief, identifying high risk behaviors of chemical dependency, learning risk factors of chronic diseases, eating disorders, HIV/AIDS protection, emergency first-aid procedures, understanding sexuality, dating, marriage, birth control, and a host of other related topics. The goal for the comprehensive health program is to develop optimal health through the interaction of accurate health knowledge, positive attitudes, as well as their impact on human behavior.

Course = 1/2 Credit

At the younger grade levels students are learning about the importance of sleep, brushing teeth, washing hands, proper hygiene, and nutrition for life long positive habits.