Would Students learn better online rather than in person school.


After the pandemic there has been a controversy about whether a student will benefit from online school or in person school. Some of the reasons why a person like a student would benefit from online school is because of time and also there able to learn at their own pace rather than being in person around people and also distractions. Like online learning your by yourself in a call with a teacher or professor with students there are no distractions around you like you getting off task by talking to your neighbor etc. its just you behind the screen.

Main Topics

  • Students with a busy work schedule that prevents them from going to in person school.

  • Students have certain responsibility's like taking care of family or even family members that prevents them from going to school.

  • sleep schedule/ getting enough sleep

  • Own preference supported by evidence on Pros and Cons of online learning

  • flexibility

Findings on survey

  • I surveyed 25 people in regards to my question ¨should students have a choice to do online learning or in person learning”. All 25 also what shes know as. 100 percent students said they'd rather have a choice whether to do E learning or in person school. Me finishing the survey made me come up with a question for myself. My question is if we ever got a choice whether to do E learning or online does that mean the teachers have a choice as well whether to opp in or opp out of e learning and regular in school classes. Yes, all the students qualified equally to answer my survey. Yes and no some students wanted the choice of E learning just to not log into class and there were some people that just learn better over a computer. Plus there's those other kids that like it in person.

The purpose of my interview is to see both sides of learning in person instruction time and online instruction time. A junior that is currently attending curie high school age 17, Race Hispanic that cares highly about his education answered these questions to the best of his ability. My candidate's overall attitude towards this interview was pretty straight forward. He had a good response towards every question he was shooting towards more of in person instruction rather than online instruction. The most relevant and important question that i asked my candidate was 1.What type of learner are you a Visual learner etc.? and secondly Do the people around you play a role in your learning, meaning do the other students help you succeed in class?. My candidate response to both those questions were that he's a visual and type of a hands on learner and the answer to the second question was that yes the environment/ the people that's around plays a role on your overall success in school because if you have students around you in the classroom that talks to much and that likes to get you distracted then your most likely going to give in and talk to them back and get distracted from learning and basically mess yourself over. I learned that in person school is way more effective than remote learning because for the people that are visual learners and that like to have that in person interaction perform way better in class than over a computer.

My personal opinion about if online school is better than in person school. I say online school because i work a lot of hours during the week and its hard for me to wake up at 6am to get ready for school and also be at school by 7:30. Id also have to say you can pay more attention online than in person cause if you really think about it theirs more distractions in, in person school like your peers/ friends talking to you and joking around that makes you distracted but compared to online school its just you in your office or room. You have more freedom online than in person like for example you can eat whenever you want, you can do whatever you want because your in your own home. You dont need to ask for permission to go use the bathroom because again your in your own house. Also online school makes a student more independent in so many ways like how to utilize your time wisely or making sure your on top of due dates for tests and projects etc. the only thing you need to rely on is you and only you and at times your teacher to explain you the material.

Would you like to go to college from the convenience of your home? Some students would benefit from online rather than in person school. There are pros and cons to both. Although, in person school is traditional and the way we have always learned, nevertheless, online school is a far better alternative because online schools are more accessible, entertaining, and can include students from all over the world.

One of the advantages of online learning is basically having the opportunity to go to school and get a degree on your own time. Even with a busy schedule of work or whatever the case is online learning can make it more of a convenience to go to school than having to wake up early to head over to in person school that's why online school is way better than in person. One piece of evidence that supports the statement up above is “ by offering online learning courses that can be taken over a long period of time. This opens up formal education for those who can’t leave full-time employment or other commitments to attend university, allowing them to study and achieve at home and at convenient times”.(Victoria) . This means that people with full time jobs or a person with a busy schedule can still do online school rather than going to in person school and howd it be a more of a convenience to them.

̈Online learning once again suits the people that have a very busy work or even life online gives them the opportunity to succeed in school. Also some students might prefer online because it works a lot better for them. One piece of evidence that supports my claim is “For many, education has been out of reach when traditional scheduled classes did not mesh with their busy schedules and obligations. Online learning means students can learn when it suits them( 10.2 Pros and Cons of Online Learning). This evidence means that it pretty much depends on the student and how he/she likes to learn and what suits them best for them. A lot of people like to learn in person shool because it gives the students an opportunity to ask questions and follow along way better with the teacher or maybe they like being around actually people their age it can be alot of factors why some students like in person school.

The other side is online school. The reason why i prefer and i'm pretty sure other students like it is because you decide if you want to go to class or not or if you want to do the work or not. Plus you work off your schedule if that makes sense like you can manage your time way better at home when your in class to be honest because your more comfortable learning because once again your in your house or at work and its just you in the room if that makes sense.

In conclusion all schools should offer the choice to their students whether to do online or in person school. Students should always have a choice in how they want to pursue their education whether its in the building or at home. Online learning has so many advantages that make the students life a lot smoother and easier based on their current life situation whether if they have a full time job or even if they need to take care of a sick family member.Online learning gives those who have a lot on their plate to be at home with their loved ones and still go to school and learn and get a education. Education comes in all shapes and sizes and many more different aspects it depends how bad you want your high school or college diploma. Even with a busy schedule myself i still find a way to put my education first and make it my first priority.

Work Cited

Victoria,Emma,”Online learning vs. in-person classes – what’s better?.”Education First,12 November 2020.https://www.ef.edu/blog/language/online-learning-vs-in-person-classes-whats-better/(view 1 april,2022).

(10.2 pros and Cons of Online schooling)Date?,https://opentextbc.ca/studentsuccess/chapter/pros-and-cons-of-online-learning/.(view 1 april,2022).

Victoria,Emma,”Online learning vs. in-person classes – what’s better?.”Education First,12 November 2020.https://www.ef.edu/blog/language/online-learning-vs-in-person-classes-whats-better/(view 1 april,2022).