Should there be a age limit to be on the internet ?

To the reviews that my pears gave there shouldnt be a age limit.

A basic description is if kids or teenagers should be on the internet and if it is dangrous for these kids and teens to be on the internet without supervision.

Find a picture and write a caption for it. Change the color.

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

-Some topics about my question is if people should have a age limit on the internet a lot of apps use to recomend a age for the app.

-Something else is that its is dangerous to be in the internet.

-There are a lot of pretedors and they are some hackers.

-When the kids are trying to buy a toy there could be some scammers trying to scam.

-There are dangerous people that try to meet up and do harm.

- Kids are getting exposed to tiktok and they are watching a lot of things that older people are doing in myopinion thats bad.

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

In the surveys there is basically some saying there should not have the age limit to the internet because there are some kids that they do need a thing for school like a thing for a project they need information for a subject or they are just trying to get informed about it.And the other half ius saying there should be a age limit on the because it will be dangerous.

Interview Summary

The person I have interview said that they think that some kids like her siblings are young so using them as a example I think they should not be on the internet and they can learn somethings that they should not worry about I think it should take time for the people to find things and I feel like sometimes people think they are in a website about some toy for their kid but no its not really a scam its really making you spend money for another purpose you really have to look into what you are buying and you have to be sure what your doing and I know what your searching up .

Your Personal Opinion

In my opinion I really think that these kids or teenegrs should be watched in what they are watching I belive that some kids cannot be trusted because they cn wander off into the web and they can start playing a lovely game that is not bad but there are some hackers that try to steal the identity to making those kids play their game and I believe that it is really what is dangrous about the web.Another reason why it is so dangerous older peiple trying to facetime kids on a app and their are trying to find out where the people live it really is bad because what happens if there on that app trying to find out where you live and do harm to other people.There are scammers where they basically trying to make kids buy there game and those scammers are trying to find out your information trying to rob your identity or even sell it or steal your parents money thats why older people are a bit more smarter because they have more sense to know what is going to go down and I belive that anything can happen at anytime I am certain that kids and tennegers really have to becareful into what they doing.

Write your paper here.

Should there be an age limit to be on the internet and most people don't think so because there is a lot of students on the internet trying to research things for like a assignment or a project younger student should have a chance to be on the internet.The problems there is that there are a lot of inappropriate websites and there could be bad guys trying to give ads that can mess up and can trick younger people that their website is friendly and it can be a trap and then there could be a virus given or they can hack and steal the people's information so teens need to be careful and proceed website with caution.In the survey I conducted the would be a lot of my pears,they will go on to say that there should not be a age limit on the internet as I explain there are a lot of students trying to find facts for a project so there should not be a age limit.Even though there is a lot of dangerous websites and people are scared to try a website because these people are cautious so they don't get trapped by a scammer.

According to the source,”And yet parents and educators unleash them on the internet at that age—if not before—because they’re told children in the U.S. must be at least 13 to download certain apps, create email accounts and sign up for social media.

Parents might think of the age-13 requirement as a PG-13 movie rating: Kids might encounter a bit more violence and foul language but nothing that will scar them for life. But this isn’t an age restriction based on content.``(Callery).So what I learned from this was that when kids are done with there schooling they are allowed by there parents to hop on the internet and when they are on it there are ads telling them to download things and to create email for things and to also sign up for some social medias.Some parents might think that when there is a movie that are not pg13 there kids could still watch it with them that is fine but in the movies the will be more violence and foul language. Based on my finding,”In 1998, after surveying more than 200 child-oriented websites, the Federal Trade Commission reported that very few posted privacy policies or required parental consent before collecting or disclosing children’s personal information.``(Callery). Another note is that some groups started to take part of this and it basically wants to say that if they wanted to do something online they had to get parental consent and the websites would require it too.It's good they are taking action that's what we need so the children do not get trapped.Yet people should be careful and I like that idea how parents should give some kind of authorization so there teens or kids want to watch something or even when they are trying to just explore the internet I really agree with the group and the movement they were trying to do so its important to pay attention to the things that are happening in the internet.

According to this piece,”Despite these clearly stated and published age restrictions, large and growing numbers of children 12 and under are using social media networks, often with their parent's knowledge and consent.(Graber)I feel like they do need permission and the parents should honestly be more strict on the kids because I feel like the kids have too much freedom and they can turn out bad because they could either bad things online or even get cyberbullied.”Just because kids seem tech-savvy at increasingly younger ages, doesn't necessarily mean that their brains are developing at the same rate as their digital acumen. Research shows that it takes children about 12 years to fully develop the cognitive structures that enable them to engage in ethical thinking. Before 12 it's difficult, if not impossible, for a child to fully grasp the impact of their actions upon others, online or otherwise.``(Graber) Kids seem tech-savvy at increasingly younger ages, doesn't necessarily mean that their brains are developing at the same rate as their digital acumen. The 12 years olds don't fully develop, it is difficult for them to understand how the social network works.For a young age they really don't know what is going on when because they are just young and they haven't fully processed what things are in the world they don't understand because they have never experienced it.

For instance,”Despite the often stated ‘breaking the law’ component of age limits, these age limits are not law. The reason we have these age limits and the reason why the majority of social networks use the magic number of 13 years, is to comply with the USA’s COPPA laws (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). This states that it is illegal for companies to obtain certain information and data from any child under the age of 13 without parental consent. So to escape any jurisdictional breaches, the creators of the apps simply make them 13 + to avoid those legal minefields.”(OGLETHORPE).The age limits are not law, they are recommendations most websites ,apps and social media platforms simply state that users must be at least 13. Often too young to understand the implications of their posts or effectively handle dangerous situations.Another example is,”But so long as these companies make their age limit clear in their terms of service, and don’t advertise to children, they’re likely not in any legal trouble. This leaves parents wondering - what should the age limit actually be? And whose duty should it be to enforce it? Here’s what you need to know.”(Brigham).This leaves parents wondering - what should the age limit actually be? kids use at least one social media platform. To sign up, many lie about their age. It makes me think that a lot of kids just like me had to lie about my age to get into an app but now it is way easier because they don't ask you for a lot they just ask for an email or they just ask for an age and there that easily you have an account.

Although there could be dangerous websites, the good that comes from it are websites that can really help a person or a teen trying to get information on a career or something for a project. It can really be helpful to know what websites are trustworthy.This indicates that there has to be cautious precaution when going into a website people like me research if the website is trustworthy and when I am buying things online I have to be careful where I am giving my money to because what happens if a scammer or hacker can take my information and know and use it to buy whatever they desire.Thats why when people from all ages have to be careful and do there research of the website so they know what they are getting into.Even though there are still teens out there that want to use the internet to watch porngraphy and other explict content there are a lot of dangerous predators and want to give people viruses.To a certain extent I feel like when teens want to see explicit content it's not the teens fault I feel like as a parent you should be incharge of what your children are watching and making sure they are not watching something inappropriate so I put the blame on the parents there is a way parents can stop this to a certain extent. Nevertheless we can take action and make sure children,teens,us adults we know how to be safe on the internet we know how to protect ourselves from risky websites and we could show our children how to use the internet without worrying about getting scammed or getting hacked and bring a virus to whatever website and the actions I will be taking is watch what your kids are watching and make sure it is a safe sight and there is also that option of paying to buy a VPN so you can watch your private things and be safe when you are going threw explicit websites or when we are making private conversations or transactions ect. We have to really be careful and protect our time in the internet and keep anything we want off to stay off and be private.To conclude we have to take action to protect our stay online and to do what we have to do without any interruptions by scammers or getting ads so hackers can hack us we have to be careful and start to protect our devices with a VPN or make sure to do the research of the website before you go into it.

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Works Cited

Callery, Taylor. “How 13 Became the Internet's Age of Adulthood.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 19 June 2019, April,1,2022.

Graber,Diana,”3 Reasons Why Social Media Age Restrictions Matter.”8,October 2014,(HUFFPOST April,1,2022.

Oglethorpe,Martine,”Social Media Age Restrictions: Why the system isn’t working.”May,1,2019,(Social Media Age Restrictions: Why the system isn't working - The Modern Parent).view April,1,2022.

Brigham,Katie,”Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok have a massive underage user problem — here’s why it matters.December,22,2018,(What age is appropriate to sign up for social media? ( April,1,2022.