Should abortion be considered as murder?

Abortion is considered murder because abortion is the termination of pregnancy by killing a fetus, abortions have become one of the cruelest ways to end a pregnancy. Although women have the right to their bodies it might be unfair that another person does not have the right to be born. Babies do not ask to be brought upon this earth. Abortion may seem like an easy way out of a problem pregnancy, but in reality, it is the hard way out. It causes physical, mental, and emotional pain for the woman who had the abortion. Therefore it is best to find other options.

A baby is very important because he/she is a human and without knowing anything he loves his mother.

Main Issues

Bad parents: Bad parents are those who have a child and treat him badly.

Unwanted Children: They are children who are born without being conserved and thought to be born by their parents.

Economic resources: Not being able to provide for their children makes them decide to have an abortion.

The Government: Abortion is legal in 2022, but many innocent people who are not to blame for anything die because of it.

Unsafe abortion: Many doctors perform an abortion without being special doctors in abortion, or do the procedure wrong and that's why many women die.

My Survey

Out of the 25 Curie High School students surveyed, 50% agree that abortion is considered murder.

50% is from people who think about forming a family in the future, and that is why they want abortion to not exist. Although the other 50% said that they have the right to make a decision to do with their life and body and that there are other ways to avoid abortion.

Interview with Mother

My interviewee is my mother, she is a woman and has 42 years old. She thinks that there are 2 types of abortion “Involuntary and Voluntary” Involuntary is when the fetus has a disease or is dead in the mom’s bump. Voluntary abortion is when the mother decides to not have the baby. Abortion is considered an act of death because many women abort, for example, many of them do not have enough money to raise them, or they do not have the love needed to raise a child. Unwanted Children born into families grow up in poor conditions, which do not give them an opportunity to progress socially or economically. This is one of the main reasons women abort. Another reason why abortion is considered murder is because even if abortion were illegal, women are going to have abortions whether anyone approves of it or not.

My Personal Opinion

In my opinion, abortion is considered an act of death because no one has the right to take a human life. Only God, as God gave us life, can also take it away from us.

An experience is related to my mom because when my little brother was born he had "foot club" and "spina bifida" and one day my mom went to the hospital and they gave her the bad news that my brother was malformed and they asked her the question "You want to have an abortion" immediately my mom said "No" because she was going to love my brother even though the doctors told her to have an abortion because my brother wasn't going to live for long because if they had Club foot he wouldn't be able to walk and spina bifida makes him unable to use the bathroom and that could make my brother unable to do anything on his own. At the hospital, they made an appointment for my mother to have an abortion without her consent but my mother did not have an abortion, and when my little brother was born the doctors said that he was going to walk but they had to operate on his feet and they operated him and now my brother walks like a normal child and also there is no problem with his spina bifida because he can be operated and will be like a normal child. That's why my mom named my brother Angel Gabriel because she believes that God helped her. I learned that being a mother is not easy and making a decision like this takes a lot of courage and love.

Abortion is an act of murder that faces the Death Penalty.

Abortion should be considered murder because abortion is the termination of pregnancy by killing a fetus, abortions have become one of the cruelest ways to end a pregnancy. Although women have the right to their bodies it might be unfair that another person does not have the right to be born, nevertheless, capital punishment should not be abolished because life in prison without parole is compared to life knowing you are paying for your crime. “He added that those who support capital punishment should favor the death penalty for women who get abortions.” As explained by Champman, killing a human in any terrible way is the same suffering that any human suffers when dying, and we humans are nothing to take life.

In this world in which we live giving an opinion on an important issue makes people give their point of view, which will be different. Abortion is a terrible idea because so many innocent lives are lost. In particular, people point out that abortion laws should be repealed. “The right to seek an abortion is under attack nationwide, but you have people” In fact, women should not abort because they have other solutions to keep the baby safe and healthy. Today are 2 types of abortion “Involuntary and Voluntary.” Involuntary is when the fetus has a disease or is dead in the mom's bump. Voluntary abortion is when the mother decides not to have the baby.“So it’s clearly illogical to claim that all miscarriage is manslaughter, but pro-lifers continue to decry abortion with the blanket description of “murder.” The text confirms that there are two types of abortions and they are very different. A baby is a lot of responsibility, pregnancy is always a possible consequence of having sex without protection people should think about the consequences. Women abort because they think that having a baby with a chronic disease is horrible and that society will discriminate against them or see them as phenomena.

One study concluded that about 17% of the people agreed that abortion is considered murder because there are people who do not have the love needed to raise a child. Unwanted children born into families grow up in poor conditions, which do not give them an opportunity to progress. When a baby is formed from the mother or is inside the womb, it makes a connection with its mother, which is scientifically proven because it was formed from her, this is why women think very well about their decision before aborting because they have the sense of being a mother. A baby feels everything the mother goes through to become her mother, and abortion is really sad because as we see today many other women want to be mothers and can't, they just want someone that will cal them "mommy.” Due to this, there have been many problems around the world because they kill a baby that has no-fault because of its irresponsible parents and the act of abortion is described as atrocious, also they should close clinics and prohibit this unpleasant inhuman act. “If abortion is morally indistinguishable from killing a newborn, though, why shouldn't those who procure abortions be severely punished for the lost lives?” It is clear that some abortion doctors perform abortions without being authorized by an authority.

Abortion is legal. The woman now decides whether to have an abortion. Every year the majority of girls and women get pregnant in most cases minors are the ones who have an abortion. Women can have an abortion because is already legal due to the case of Roe v. Wade, a case that caused a stir in the United States. In 1973 was a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in which the Court decided that the Constitution of the United States protects the freedom of a pregnant woman to do an abortion. Many of these women have an abortion because sometimes they are not expensive or they did not require someone's consent, one of the reasons why abortion is considered a “murder” is because sometimes not only the fetus dies but also the mother since sometimes it is not done properly. “If you believe that abortion is murder and you believe that your sister, daughter, aunt, niece, cousin, or friend should do it, you are a murderer and you are not being consistent.”

Based on the findings all women around the world who had abortions should pay for their crimes and live with the weight of their bad decision.

It is clear that abortion is a difficult issue that causes controversy among people. In particular, it is one of the most important decisions that a woman must make since it is about another human life. Abortion is a very selfish act. Babies do not ask to be brought upon this earth. Abortion may seem like an easy way out of a problem pregnancy, but in reality, it is the hard way out. It causes physical, mental, and emotional pain for the woman who had the abortion. Therefore it is best to find other options such as adoption or keeping the baby and seek help and pregnancy programs.