Should High Schools only require students to take Classes that they are interested a career in?

Would you want your children to have the career that they truly want, and to make that possible Schools should start allowing Kids to choose their own classes so they could follow their passion?

If Schools do allow for students to choose any class they want some classes could be filled or some classes could be empty.

Main Issues

  • Students Get higher achievement in Grades

  • Students get better attendance

  • College will be easier to attend

  • Students will have actual interactions

  • Students will be more engaged into Jobs or their Work

Results of Survey

In My survey it was a 100% percentage that students picked that their schools should only require them to take classes that they are interested in.

Fun Facts

  • Among Hispanic students, 32 percent were enrolled in remote instruction, 26 percent were enrolled in hybrid instruction, and 42 percent were enrolled in in-person instruction.

  • Illinois’ chronic absenteeism rates jumped from 16.5% in 2019 to 21.2% in 2021

  • Illinois schools have received more than $7 billion from the federal government in emergency relief from Covid.

  • as many as 140,000 children lost a parent or caretaker to Covid-19.

  • 45 percent of respondents expressing the most interest in careers such as physician, mechanical engineer, computer programmer or marine biologist, with the health care field drawing the most interest.

  • 95% of high school students don't know what they want to do. 25% have parents that have picked their career path for them

Your Personal Opinion

I do like the idea of us choosing the classes that we want to study, because we could just focus on those classes that we want to make a career out of and not get distracted by other classes that we don't need for our career.

Would you want your children to have the career that they truly want, and to make that possible Schools should start allowing Kids to choose their own classes so they could follow their passion? The problem with schools today is that they have a list of classes that kids are required to graduate but they should choose a career and choose classes that will help them get to that career.

“Personalized learning is among the most popular solutions in U.S. schools today. It is seen as a way to close achievement gaps, increase student engagement and offer a better education to today’s students”. Being around other students who want to have the same career as you will increase our students' engagement with each other and will be forward to go to that class. “Giving students more control in the classroom is a common feature of personalized-learning programs, in theory, but in practice, how teachers do that and how much control they offer varies widely”. If High Schools give students the freedom to choose their classes they need for their career we would have more students in class and learning to pursue their career.

Instead of putting the focus on what really matters, preparing students for the real world and life after high school, students are required to take up their effort and time. Helping Students during their life in High School to help them prepare themselves after High School is really important because if they don’t get the help they need they won’t know how to do certain things like: complete your taxes, anything that has to do with banking, how to prepare for a Job interview, investments, planning for retirement etc. These are things that students should start learning how to do or else they would never learn it or start doing it but at a much later time period. “The problem with our current education system is that students are spending too much time in classes that will get them nowhere and not enough time in classes that will actually help them in life and their careers”.There is a study that shows that Algebra we learn in High School is pointless about “only 20% of Americans use algebra”. A study also shows that whatever you learn in your English class is very outdated. This is because of Technology, because The rapid development and adoption of breakthrough technologies are changing. This also changes how we interact with each other as well as with the outside world.

When students have the ability to choose what they would like to learn about, it makes them more eager to engage with the material”. The Survey that I did showed that 100% of students do want to choose their own classes in High School. This would mean they would choose their classes and be more engaged in their classes and their learning and actually come to school and learn their material". "When high schools offer courses like personal finance, public speaking or independent living, students are more willing to take these classes because they know what they take away from these classes will actually help them later on in life. When High School does offer these types of classes it would help students to use their knowledge they learned in their high school classes to their real life, that could become a successful outcome for students for their future.

In conclusion Yes I do agree that High Schools should only require students to take classes they are interested in a Career in for the following reasons, increased in students engagement in school and their classes, help students of today to help them in life and in their future careers, stop wasting time for students who don’t need to learn topics for their career and truly focusing on what really matters for students. So High Schools should start offering students on what they want to choose their classes for their career in the future.

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Shannon Knight

Why Students should choose their own classes

January 3, 2016