AP Computer Science

AP CS Principles

AP Computer Science Principles is an introductory college-level computing course that introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science. Students learn to design and evaluate solutions and to apply CS to solve problems through the development of algorithms and programs.


AP Computer Science A is an introductory college-level computer science course. Students cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing code as they explore concepts like modularity, variables, and control structures.​

Virtual Academy

The Virtual AP CSP course is one of a handful of AP courses being offered at the Virtual Academy with the goal of offering students the chance to participate in these advanced courses if they are not offered at their home schools.  AP CSP is offered SY23.  Both AP CSP & AP CSA will be offered SY24.

Meet the AP CSP Team!

Meet the AP CSP Team.pdf


MakeCode AP CSP

Microsoft MakeCode is a free online learn-to-code platform where anyone can build games, code devices, and mod Minecraft!  In this course, students will learn the importance of coding and how to code using the platform Microsoft MakeCode Arcade. 


CodeHS courses teach students applicable computer science skills. With a focus on helping students develop problem solving and computational thinking skills, students come away both with a knowledge of professional programming languages and the conceptual understanding needed to learn new languages.

Code.org AP CSP & AP CSA

Code.org's AP CSP course materials use an engaging, discovery-based approach to address big topics like how the internet works, big data, and programming apps in JavaScript. The curriculum consists of daily lesson plans, videos, tutorials, tools, and assessments that cover the AP CSP learning objectives. This curriculum is in the process of being approved for SOPPA compliance.

Microsoft TEALS

TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) is a Microsoft Philanthropies program that builds sustainable computer science programs in high schools, with a focus on serving students excluded from learning CS because of race, gender, or geography.

Questions? Concerns? Please contact Daniel Patterson (dpatterson29@cps.edu), Tamarium Davis (tldavis35@cps.edu) or Wiktoria Kozlowska (wkozlowska1@cps.edu) with any questions.

Learn about upcoming professional development events for all endorsed AP Computer Science Curricula.

Online Resources

Google for Education Teacher Center

Become a certified Google Educator. This link provides practice lesson and sample test questions. 

Google Teacher Certification Fact Sheet

FAQ about Google Teacher Certification 

Google G Suite Training Videos

Open this site for various training videos and tutorials about Google applications. 

Poll Everywhere

Use this to create student accounts and develop an interactive classroom. 


Online polling system to use with your students online and with cell phones. 


This online resource allows you to add movement to your presentations. You have access to your work via an internet connection or download to save on a flash drive. 


Allows you to create online tests and grades them automatically. 


Create online flashcards and vocabulary assignments for your subjects. 


Online applications for practice and assessments. 


Teach yourself computer science.  Visit this site for a list of books that can help build your knowledge of several CS content areas.

Ed Tech Magazine

Stay in the know with vital information focused on technology education


Record yourself teaching or illustrating from your desktop.  You can then share with your students.  Really cool when you are explaining something new and absent students can go back and review. 


An online meeting app that allows people to collaborate while sharing their screen.  Resourceful tool for students to use when completing group projects after school hours.