What is

Computer Science?

Computer science is an essential literacy.

The ways of thinking that are fostered in computer science enable our students to know when a problem can best be solved using a machine that can do the work faster, better, and more accurately. Through our focus on equity, inquiry, and content, students understand why our digital world is the way it is, how we can work together to influence its development, and how it impacts us all.

Computer science not only enhances other areas of study, but is becoming increasingly essential to understanding these fields

Computer Science will only continue to grow in importance for our students' lives and, specifically, the thinking it engenders - is and will continue to be an essential interdisciplinary tool in tackling the problems our students will face in their futures. Computer Science enables students to fully participate in a global society increasingly driven by tech.

What if we don't have technology?

It is common for technology programming to be device centric. When we orient our thinking around computer science as an essential literacy, our programming is no longer defined by our technology, and our approach is school wide.


Computer science is defined by a way of thinking and using specific computational thinking concepts, practices, and approaches to solve problems.


Investing in the development of teachers is the best way to build program capacity.


The program is no longer limited by the devices you have access to, rather the creativity and imagination of your teachers.


Computer Science is for every student. It can exist as a standalone course for every student, be used as an integrated practice - where concepts of computer science are taught alongside other content areas such as Mathematics or English Language Arts, as an opt-in “elective” course, or as an out-of-school-time program.

Computational Thinking has to do with “solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior, by drawing on the concepts fundamental to computer science.” When somebody decomposes a large problem into smaller ones, or abstracts the solution to one problem so that it can be used to solve a different one, they are engaging in computational thinking.

Computational Participation focuses on personal expression and societal participation. It has to do with how we engage in “solving problems with others, and learning about the cultural and social nature of human behavior through the concepts, practices, and perspectives of computer science.” When somebody is empowered to engage in self-expression in a community of problem solvers, they are actively engaging in computational participation.

Computational Action pulls the practices of computational computer science into the material world. Computational action proposes that “while learning about computing, young people should have the opportunity to do computing in ways that have direct impact on their lives and their communities.” When somebody identifies a problem in their community, identifies what appropriate tools are available to them, and works with others to develop community-oriented solutions, they are engaging in computational action.

These areas are all essential parts of what computer science and computer science education for all means. While every student may not want to become a computer scientist, we can allow every student to take computer science as far as they want to, regardless of their ultimate occupation or field of study. To have the means to fully participate in the workings of our technological world use these thinking skills to revolutionize our communities and our world