16U Wall

Meet Coach Erika

Contact Coach Erika at 970-616-2530 or ewall@coloradowildsoftball.com

Erika has spent the last ten years coaching softball in some capacity including recreational softball, competitive softball and private lessons. Erika has had the opportunity to coach for I-25 Inferno Fastpitch Softball and Northridge High School. Erika has also been working to develop young pitchers within the area. Erika was born and raised in Greeley and is looking forward to continuing to expand competitive softball in Northern Colorado. 

Outside of coaching, Erika enjoys spending time with her family and keeping up with the chaos of life. Erika and Mark are homebodies when the calendar is clear. Erika’s oldest step-daughter is a competitive dancer and will be dancing for her high school this school year. Erika has the privilege of sharing the softball field with her youngest step-daughter, Mia. Erika stays at home with her son, Baylor, who is already obsessed with all things sports. Erika also owns The Pink Balloon – a balloon decoration company.  

Prior to staying at home with her son, Erika worked with youth and their families within the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice System realm. Erika thoroughly enjoys working with youth to give them the tools needed to succeed, on and off the field. 

Coaching Philosophy: 

Relationships – Erika believes the true success of a team derives from the relationships between coach and athletes, athlete to athlete, athlete to parent, coach to parents and family to family. Erika strives to build those connections and foster positive, life-long relationships.  

Intentionality – Erika believes in being intentional in all that you do on and off the field. Success is not measured in the wins and losses, but the intentionality behind the throws, catches and hits during practices and games. 

Work hard, play harder and be grateful for the ride.