Colorado WILD Softball Organization Directive:

In following Colorado’s and the CDC’s guidelines, Colorado WILD Softball will return to play in line with social distancing guidelines of no more than 10 people in a group, and require masks when 6ft social distancing is compromised (catcher & batter / runners on base / etc). Any player and/or family that chooses to exceed Colorado WILD Softball’s expectations are free to do so, with the full support of the Executive Board, without consequence and ridicule. As recommendations change (loosening or tightening), Colorado WILD Softball will abide. Colorado WILD Softball will require specific waivers and agreements concerning return to play at any level of in person contact. Waivers and agreements will be adjusted and distributed according to changes in state and CDC guidelines.

CWS Daily COVID-19 Screening

Effective May 22, 2020, this screening form is required to be completed for each participant (player/coach/parent/etc) prior to arriving at a Colorado WILD Softball event (game/practice/gathering); no more than once per day. This online form must be completed each day of participation prior to arrival.

Coaching staff, with the support of the team’s Parent Liaison, will be responsible for ensuring the screening form has been completed prior to allowing participation.

CWS Sanitization Requirements

Effective May 22, 2020, Colorado WILD Softball will follow the protocols listed below to ensure proper sanitization of equipment:

1. Participants (players and coaches) MUST NOT share personal equipment - gloves, bats, helmets, etc

2. Participants provide their own food and water. Participants MUST NOT share food and drink items.

3. Participants must clean their hands upon arrival at CWS event (hand sanitizer will be provided).

4. Each day, the coaching staff will use CDC approved disinfectant to clean balls and other shared equipment, as well as common hard surfaces.

a. Disinfectant and a sprayer will be provided by Colorado WILD.

b. Allow the disinfectant to dry for at least 1 minute prior to rolling equipment over, and spraying the bottom side

5. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant will be at all CWS events. 6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at least daily, or between uses as much as possible.

CWS Wearing of Masks

1. Cloth face covering (masks) MUST be worn by participants when 6ft social distancing is or could be compromised.

a. Examples include a catcher and batter at home plate, runners on base, etc b. Face coverings are not intended to protect the wearer, but rather to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 from the person wearing the mask (who may not have any symptoms of disease).

2. If the local facility/tournament/sanctioning body has increased requirements of wearing face masks (ie. all participants, all the time), Colorado WILD Softball will abide.

CWS Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette

1. Handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

a. If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol can be used.

b. Colorado WILD Softball will provide hand sanitizer to head coaches.

2. No seeds or spitting allowed.

3. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use the inside of their elbow.

a. Used tissues should be thrown in the trash and hands washed immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

b. If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol can be used.

CWS Social (Physical) Distancing

1. All participants must help maintain social distancing of at least 6 ft among players, coaches, officials, and spectators.

a. If 6 ft cannot be maintained, cloth face coverings are required. 2. Space players at least 6 feet apart on the field while participating (e.g., during warmup, skill building activities, drill)

3. Discourage unnecessary physical contact, such as high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, or hugs.

4. Create distance between participants when explaining drills or the rules of the game.

5. Participants will wait in the cars with guardians until just before the beginning of a practice, warm-up or game instead of forming a group.

6. Carpooling is strongly discouraged. Participants should ride to events with persons living in their same household.


I hope everyone is staying healthy and is adjusting to the new normal of social distancing and homeschooling. I am missing our players and families and I know you are too!

Covid-19 is a challenge for us all. Our girls have worked so hard this winter training to get stronger, faster and ready to compete. Please know that our teams will be back together as soon as the fields are cleared for use. While we are very eager, the Board will always prioritize safety first. In the meantime, please let us know if there is anything you or your family needs. We’ll do what we can to make sure our Wild families are taken care of.

See you all soon!

5/6/2020 COVID-19 Listening Session

Reminder-Wednesday, 5/6/2020 at 7:00pm

Please join the Colorado WILD Executive Board for a listening session to share your thoughts and hear about how we are working to ensure a quality return to practice and play for our organization.


At last night's weekly COVID Executive Board meeting, we discussed the Return to Play protocol from various sanctioning bodies - all hinged on state and local governments easing the social distancing policies. At this time, no changes have been made to ease the social distancing policies at the state and local levels, and, therefore, our May 1, 2020 statement (attached) is still in effect.

We also want to thank those families that were able to join us on Wednesday evening for the Parent Listening Session with the Executive Board regarding COVID and Colorado WILD.

We will be working with each head coach to prorate the player fee to best represent the loss of games and tournaments in March, April, and May, as well as reschedule any lost opportunities into June, July, and early August, appropriately. After the prorate process is complete, we will work with our accountant to get the final invoice out.

As we continue to move forward in preparing to return to play, we have developed a parent survey to help us better understand the COVID-19 impact on, and needs, wants, and concerns of, our families.

Please click here Colorado WILD Parent Survey to complete the survey.

Should you have any questions regarding our position on COVID-19 and our efforts to be prepared to play, please contact our board's Secretary, Kristin Zacheis-Wimmer at

Thank you for your support and understanding as we work to navigate the world with COVID-19. Please continue to stay safe and healthy.


Good morning Colorado WILD families.

The executive board met on Thursday night, as we have each week, to discuss newly available guidelines and ordinances.

The sactioning bodies that we play within (USSSA, USA Softball, and Triple Crown) all have produced return to play protocols that are contingent on local and state ordinances.

We are seeking input from local recreation departments, as well as our insurance providers, for additional guidance to support returning to play in some capacity.

At this time, Colorado WILD is still requiring no in-person contact for team and organizational events.

We are committed to meeting more frequently than once per week, as we are hopeful that recent announcements from Triple Crown will be represented in the Governor's update on Monday May 25.

As we receive information about indivudal tournaments, we will communicate directly with the head coach, and the head coach will communicate appropriately with their team.

Thank you again for your patience, and your commitment to returning to play in a safe manner that preserves the game we love!

The Executive Board of Colorado WILD Softball