Special Education

Integrated Co-Teaching Services

Integrated co-teaching services allows students to be grouped together based on similarity of need for the purpose of receiving specially designed instruction in a general education class, usually daily for the identified class.In this model, a general education teacher and a special education teacher share responsibility for the delivery of primary instruction, planning and evaluation for a group of students with disabilities and non-disabled students

Effective July 1, 2008, the maximum number of students with disabilities that can be on the class roster of a class where integrated co-teaching services are provided is 12. The total of 12 students includes any student with a disability in that class, regardless of whether all of the students are recommended for integrated co-teaching services.

Resource Room

A resource classroom is a special education classroom that provides educational services to students identified with a disability.It is designed to support students scheduled within the general education curriculum. Students are provided specialized instruction according to specific goals outlined in the Individualized Education curriculum (IEP).Specialized instruction allows the student an opportunity to keep up with grade level work in one or more subject areas.

If the recommendation for the student is a Resource Room program then the minimum hours of RR that must be provided is three hours per week (180 Minutes). The program cannot exceed five students. The IEP must also indicate frequency, location, and duration of the service:

Example: Resource Room 5 times per week 42 minutes

Special Classes

A special class is a class consisting of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similar individual needs so that they can receive specially designed instruction. In special classes, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction is adapted to ensure the student has access to the general curriculum and the opportunity to meet the educational standards that apply to all students. Special Class Services serve students with disabilities whose needs cannot be met within a general education class, even with the use of supplementary aids and services.

Recommendation to Parents

·       Communicate and work closely with the staff on an ongoing basis

· Encourage students to develop and maintain a regular homework schedule

· Encourage students to carryover skills learned in CBI at home.

· Become aware of legislative changes and advocate on behalf of your child