
eDofE Login Session - Updated March 2021 - Copy.pptx

How to use eDofE

Once you have received your login details its important that you  register the details of your volunteering, physical and skills activities so they can be approved.  Please view this PowerPoint presentation and YouTube video for instructions on how to use eDofE via the website or App.

If you have any questions or can't log in, please see Mr Wozniak or Mr Beckett.

Your entry will be validated ONLY if you provide full contact details of your assessor (including a FULL name and email address).

eDofE is also where you record all your evidence and submit assessors reports.  Instructions for this are also included.

eDofE Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some answers to questions we are often asked regarding evidence and assessors reports

Who can be my Assessor for a Section?

Your Assessor must be an adult (aged 18+) to whom you are not related and with whom you do not live.  They will usually be someone in a position of responsibility in the organisation you are doing the activity with, and may have a qualification to allow them to lead this e.g. a soccer coach, manager of a charity shop, or trumpet teacher.  You can also a teacher in school to help with being an assessor.  

What is evidence?

Evidence can be photos or videos of you participating in your activity or certificates, membership cards, strava or equivalent logs etc.  Activity logs downloadable from here (https://www.dofe.org/do/activitylogs/) are a good way of recording your activities.  These can be photographed and also be uploaded as evidence).

What evidence do I need to show I have completed a section?

The minimum is a complete Assessor’s Report.  If an assessor does not see you regularly when you are completing your activity they may want some more evidence such as a written summary of what you did or a photo log.   Some students choose to upload regular texts updates or photos as evidence of their participation but this is not essential.

What is an assessors report?

An assessors report is a report written by your assessor on completion of your activity to say that you completed the correct number of sessions and if you met your planned goals.

How do I complete an assessors report?

We will only approve electronic assessors reports submitted via the DofE website - www.edofe.org/assessor.  Paper copies of assessors reports will need to be shown directly to the coordinator by the student as well as uploaded to eDofE with a reason why they have not used the electronic assessors report.  This is because we have a lot of errors when providing the written reports.  When asking someone to be your assessor make sure they are happy to provide electronic reports via the DofE website. 

Your assessor will need your eDofE number (you can see this when logged in), and to know the level (Bronze/Silver or Gold), which Section they are signing off (Physical, Skill or Volunteering), how many months you have done it for and the exact start and end dates which must be at least that number of months apart (e.g. 5/3/19 to 2/6/19 is NOT 3 months – it would need to finish on or after 5/6/19).  Reports MUST include the dates, contact details for your Assessor, and a description about how you got on with the activity.

If making a report using the form in your welcome pack make sure:

More guidance and support can be found here - https://help.edofe.org/hc/en-gb/sections/360004587693-Assessor-Reports

I have asked a teacher to be an assessor

If you have asked a teacher to assess your activity but you are doing the activity away from school.  For example cooking at home for 'skills' or running for 'physical'.  - You need to provide the following to show your assessor:

How do I get my Award?

You need to upload evidence that you have completed each of your Physical, Skill and Volunteering Sections (school will do this for the Expedition) to eDofE and SUBMIT each of your Sections as complete.