Coombe Careers Week 

(Oct 2023)

Coombe Career's Week Launch 

A BIG Thank You TO Luke Bozeat (Chief Operating Officer of GlobalM) who gave a FANTASTIC extended assembly to all Yr 7-13 students about careers in the Media / Marketing industry

GlobalM Assembly Presentation 

Coombe Boys' School celebrated Coombe Careers Week  through a range of activities. These activities included;

GB 3/7 - ASK Apprenticeship Assemblies - Encounters with Further and Higher Education

3. An introduction to apprenticeships - STUDENTS.pptx

Yr 9 - 13 ASK Apprenticeship Assembly 

Yr 7 Coombe Careers Assembly 2023-h

Yr 7 Careers Assembly Launch

                    GB 4 - Green Careers Linked with the Curriculum                           (A Few Examples)

Year 9 Careers Lesson - English and Law 23
Copy of Science-Careers-Year 8
Media Studies Careers lesson

  GB 6 - Encounters with Employers and Employees

HTR Presentation (1)

A BIG Thank You to the Employers for giving Career based talks / workshops 

Yr 7 Careers library treasure hunt 2023
Copy of Yr 8 Unifrog_interests_profile_
Copy of YR 10 Exploring_employer_profiles_15min_classroom_
Copy of Yr 11 What_are_my_employability_skills_15min_classroom