March 30th

Workday overview:

Feedback review:

Last week you received some clear feedback from the professionals who visited us. Take a few minutes to answer the following as a group:

According to the experts, what are the three most important things that we need to do in order to improve our proposal?

Presentation Materials:

Discuss with your group: what kinds of presentation materials would make for the most powerful argument in favor of your proposal?

Some ideas to get you started:

Get some feedback:

Meet with another group and share your presentation material ideas. 

Provide feedback to the other group:

Prepping your pitch:

Write with your group: you need to get your general idea down to 60 seconds  or less. What could you say that would make for the most powerful argument in favor of your proposal?

Get some feedback:

Meet with another group and share your 60-second pitch. 

Provide feedback to the other group:

Work time!

On May 5th (presentation day), after you share your pitch and your presentation materials, you’ll have an opportunity to present your whole argument and answer questions. You’ll need to be prepared with answers to all of the following questions:

You have the rest of today to work on answering those questions, developing presentation materials, etc.