2-9-23 Workday

Goals for the day:

Spaghetti Tower Challenge:

These are the folks you'll be working with over the course of the semester. In order to get to know each other and practice working together, you're going to face the Spaghetti Tower Challenge. Your task is to: in 18 minutes, create the tallest free-standing tower that can support a marshmallow using the following supplies:

Learn about the project!

Everything you need to know about this project is on the homepage of this site. But, we've printed out those details so that you and your team can annotate them. 

Highlight/underline the following:

In one color: What you’re worried about with this project.

In a different color: What you’re excited about with this project.

Write down: the way you’ll be most helpful to your group’s work.

After you finish highlighting and writing, share your thoughts with your team. Make sure to write down any questions your group has.

Create a team contract!

You'll work with your team to create a group contract that will guide your work through this semester.

Research: Divide and Conquer!

Divide your team, and look through the following resources to come up with some ideas for what you might want to propose. 

Websites with cool ideas:

Playgrounds Are Limiting

Eco-Parks for Learning and Play

Making Playgrounds a Little More Dangerous [on purpose...]

How Cities Use Parks to Help Children Learn

Getting Creative in the Floodplain

DIY Play Structures

All About Rain Gardens

Native Pollinator Meadows

A bulleted list of some ideas:

Your plans from last semester:

Your Azalea Park proposals from last semester are located here! If you liked your plan and want to move forward with it, consider this:

Before you leave today, have one group member submit the following form: