First Grade

First Grade Remote Learning Office Hours:

Teachers may be reached via email 2pm - 3pm, Monday through Friday. During this time, you can expect a quick and timely response.

Remote Learning

Our goal is for your child to be motivated and continue to learn; it will just be in a different way! We will be using Seesaw and/or email to share and communicate with our families.

In first grade, it is recommended that your child is engaged academically for about an hour and a half each day. When and how your child completes those daily hours of instruction is up to you and your family.

A hard copy of work and activities is available. Due to the ever changing situation, our packet pick up will now be self-serve. Our student packets for the current week will be stored in filing cabinets labeled by grade level under the car rider line patio beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesdays. The packets will be available for pick up throughout the week. For the safety of all, please remember to utilize social distancing when picking up packets. Packets can also be found by clicking on the weekly packet buttons below.

Weekly Lesson Plans & Paper Packets:

Additional Printables:


Your child may save any completed work until school resumes. They may also email their teacher or post to Seesaw to share their learning. We will use Seesaw and email to send supplemental activities.

We are using the same Seesaw account from the school year. If you have already signed your child up and are receiving Seesaw updates this year, there is no need to register your child again.

If you did not sign up at the beginning of the school year, please sign up now using the class link provided by your teacher and follow the instructions below:

Choose your child from the list.

Create the account.

Once your teacher approves you, you can see content from your child.

After you sign up, download the free Seesaw family app devices and you can sign in. You can also access Seesaw on a computer at

Students can add to their Seesaw journals for your teacher to see by following these steps in the Seesaw app or on the Seesaw website:

Open Seesaw.

Tap the green add + sign.

Click the camera and take a photo.

Tap the mic and explain if necessary.

Click the green check mark sign to add to your journal