
Although we are physically apart, please know that I am here to support our Buckalew families.

If you would like me to contact you or your child, please fill out the form linked below. I will reach out to you during office hours, 8am - 3pm, Monday through Friday.

Remote Learning

I will be using Canvas to share with you guidance lessons during this time, so please have your student check their Canvas course regularly.

To access Canvas and Google Drive for remote learning, your student must log into Conroe ISD's SSO (Single Sign On) which allows the student to sign in once and have access to these applications.

Please contact your student's teacher if your student does not know his/her login username and password.

Please note that a student must log into SSO and access their personal Canvas and Google Drive accounts in order to do any lessons and activities.

Students cannot complete any Canvas work from within a parent Canvas account.