What are Accommodated Exams?

Students with exam accommodations may choose to write some or all of their exams with SAS, where they can access their exam accommodations while writing. These exams are written in a separate room, normally G307, where students can use their exam accommodations, such as extra time and adaptive technologies. “Exam,” in this context, refers to any exam, quiz, or in-class assignment that will be written within the course's timeslot. 

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for indicating the dates of any exams they intend to write with SAS at least one week in advance through online services. When one of your students does this, you will receive an email asking you to confirm whether or not you have scheduled an exam for the date indicated. 

Instructor Responsibilities

Instructors are responsible for verifying exam dates submitted by their accommodated students through online services, providing details and documents to SAS for confirmed exam dates, and for picking up completed exams.

SAS’s Responsibilities

SAS is responsible for facilitating accommodated exams. This includes: ensuring that proctors, rooms, and all other required exam resources are available; providing any applicable exam accommodations; and ensuring that exams are written according to instructors’ specifications.

Information for Instructors

LAS coordinates accommodated exams through online services. You can view and edit exam dates, details, and documents through your LAS Online Services page. Up-to-date lists of accommodate students and their accommodations are available through your Class Listings page.

Verifying Exam Dates

Accommodated students are responsible for booking any exams they intend to write with LAS through online services at least seven days in advance. When one of your students does this, you will receive an email asking you to confirm whether or not you have scheduled an exam for the date indicated. If you confirm the date, LAS will make any necessary arrangements for the exam, and any students who indicate the same course code and date will be added to the exam schedule automatically. 

Providing Exam Details & Documents

Exam details and documents are normally added some time after confirming the exam date. In order to allow LAS enough time to prepare exams, we ask that you provide details and documents at least three business days prior to the exam.

Picking up Exams

Completed exams are picked up from the Student Success Centre, located across the hall from the bookstore. We are open Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.

Which exams are accommodated students eligible to write with LAS?

Accommodated students are eligible to write any exam, quiz, or in-class assignment with a written component that will be written within the scheduled class time. Certain types of non-written exam (eg. musical performance, hands-on lab exams, etc.) cannot be written with LAS for practical reasons. Beyond these limitations, accommodated students should not feel impeded in accessing their exam accommodations. It is never appropriate to ask a student if they are OK writing an exam in class in order to avoid providing the exam to and picking it up from LAS or because accommodations seem unnecessary for the exam. If you have any concerns about accommodated exams, please contact LAS. We are always looking for ways to make our processes as convenient and clear as possible to instructors, and we would be happy to hear from you. 

Information for Students

SAS Exams Booking and Test Room Policy

Booking Policy

Test Room Policy

Note: Usage of the test centre means you agree to follow the rules mentioned here. This information is shown to you at during the exam booking process, and you must confirm you agree in order to continue with the exam booking.

In order to write an exam with LAS, we only require that you book the exam as described below. In order to ensure that proctors, rooms, and all other required resources are available, you are required to book exams at 7 days in advance. LAS will assume that you will write any exams that you have not booked in class. 

Booking an Exam

From your SAS page in Online Services, click the “Indicate Exam Date” button at the top of the page.

Video Tutorial

Rescheduling an Exam

If, due to extenuating circumstances, you need to reschedule an exam: 

1. Ask your instructor. As with deadline extensions and excused absences, exam reschedule requests are approved or denied at your instructors’ discretion. Instructors may ask you to provide documentation to verify the reason for rescheduling as per section 9.2.3 of the academic calendar.

2. Find the exam to be rescheduled in your SAS Online Services page and click “Reschedule Exam”. If the exam is not already present in this list, you will first need to add it by clicking Indicate Exam Date before submitting your reschedule request. 

You may find that, for certain exams, your time extension will cause the time you are scheduled to write an exam to overlap with another course you are enrolled in. In these situations, simply notify LAS, and we will find the closest time to the originally scheduled exam time that does not conflict with your course timetable, and then we will confirm the time with you and your instructor.

Moodle Exams

Your time extension will be applied automatically to any exams written through Moodle. Please ask your instructor to apply your time extension to any online exams that you will write through a non-Moodle platform (eg. textbook publisher’s website).

Writing Accommodated Exams

All accommodated exams are written in room G307 unless SAS emails you about an alternate location. Be sure to bring your Concordia ID or government issued photo ID with you. In order to get all students started in a timely manner and to keep noise and distractions to a minimum, we ask that you observe the following practices:

If you have any questions or encounter any issues while writing an exam, please do not hesitate to raise them with the exam proctor. If the exam proctor is unable to answer a question, they will contact another staff member. We can also relay a question to your instructor or escort you to the room where the class exam is in progress if you require clarification from your instructor. Ear plugs and earmuffs are available for anyone to use during exams.