Who can register with SAS?

Students with documented disabilities of either permanent of temporary nature (ADHD, ASD, depression, anxiety, broken bone) can register with SAS by submitting the required documentation to

What is the role of the instructor?

The duty to accommodate mandate involves CUE, students, and faculty. It is a shared responsibility. As an instructor, you are expected to honor the accommodations set up by the LAS Office, sign all the LAS forms through Faculty Online Services, confirm exam dates, and provide the SAS Exam Administrator with a copy of the exam (when a LAS student submits a request to write with SAS support). Finally, if there are any questions and/or concerns about students accommodations, please reach out to the SAS Advisor ( For questions about LAS exams, please email our SAS Exam Admin (Tracy Aisenstat) at








FAQS- General- Accommodations 

Absolutely. Please contact the SAS Advisor ( and provide some details about your concerns so we can contact the student. Note: In some cases (i.e. student missing classes, not submitting assignments) you might also want to submit an Early Alert so we can make sure the student has all the supports they need. 

If you have any questions or concerns about a students accommodations, please reach out to the SAS Advisor (  and she will be happy to address your questions and/or concerns. 

Due to privacy laws, we cannot share that information unless the student provides consent.

 Up-to-date lists of  students’ accommodation details are available on  the  class listings page in Faculty online services. Your can view these details for each of your classes by clicking the “View” link under the “Learning Accommodations” column. 

     Due to privacy laws, parents cannot talk to instructors.

LAS coordinates accommodated exams through online services. You can view and edit exam dates, details, and documents through your SAS Online Services page. Up-to-date lists of accommodate students and their accommodations are available through your Class Listings page.

Verifying Exam Dates

Accommodated students are responsible for booking any exams they intend to write with SAS through online services at least seven days in advance. When one of your students does this, you will receive an email asking you to confirm whether or not you have scheduled an exam for the date indicated. If you confirm the date, LAS will make any necessary arrangements for the exam, and any students who indicate the same course code and date will be added to the exam schedule automatically. 

Providing Exam Details & Documents

Exam details and documents are normally added some time after confirming the exam date. In order to allow SAS enough time to prepare exams, we ask that you provide details and documents at least three business days prior to the exam.

Uploading Exam Files

The exams must be uploaded through the LAS portal in PDF format. If there is an audio portion to the exam, please email a copy of the audio file to and include the name of the class and exam time, as well as any restrictions on how many time the audio file may be played.

Contact Information

We ask for your phone number during the exam confirmation process in the event that we need to reach out to you regarding a student inquiry. While traditionally the SAS Exam Administrator will go directly to your class room with any inquiries, during peak seasons we may have the proctor reach out via phone or email, whichever you have indicated you prefer. Additionally, if you have approved an alternate testing time or deferred exam for your student, there is a chance they may have questions when you are potentially not on campus. As such, please take note of when this is happening so that we can reach out as efficiently as possible.

Picking up Exams

Completed exams are picked up from the Student Success Centre, located across the hall from the bookstore. We are open Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.

Which exams are accommodated students eligible to write with SAS?

Accommodated students are eligible to write any exam, quiz, or in-class assignment with a written component that will be written within the scheduled class time. Certain types of non-written exam (eg. musical performance, hands-on lab exams, etc.) cannot be written with SAS for practical reasons. Beyond these limitations, accommodated students should not feel impeded in accessing their exam accommodations. It is never appropriate to ask a student if they are OK writing an exam in class in order to avoid providing the exam to and picking it up from SAS or because accommodations seem unnecessary for the exam. If you have any concerns about accommodated exams, please contact SAS. We are always looking for ways to make our processes as convenient and clear as possible to instructors, and we would be happy to hear from you. 

Final Exams

Sessions for final exams are created automatically based off of the information provided to the Registrars Office. You will receive an email approximately 2 weeks before the first day of final exams informing you that the sessions have been created and that you may upload the exam and any relevant information. 

FAQS - Exams

 You can find this information through your SAS page in Online Services. At the top of the “View/Edit Details” page for a given exam, you will see a list of all accommodated students who have booked that exam with SAS.

Completed exams can be picked up from the Student Success Centre Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. These hours are extended during final exams.

Unfortunately, we can't scan and email exams for security reasons.

If you have a change to make to your exam less than 24 hours before it is scheduled to be written, please update exam details through your SAS online services page and notify SAS at to make any required updates to printed exam materials and cc

If you are having technical difficulties, please email your exam file and all relevant information to When you arrive at the Student Success Centre to retrieve your exams, the SAS Exam Administrator will run a quick troubleshooting session in order to ensure this doesn't happen again in the future. This will not take more than 5 minutes.

We require PDFs of exams for a number of different accommodations. If it is impossible for you to provide the exam file, please reach out to the Exam Administrator so that a resolution can be found.