What Funding is Available for Me? 

You might be eligible for: 

For more details, please check this handout and visit the Student Aid Alberta Website. 

NOTE: Students receiving aid from another province or territory should contact their province or territory to learn more about the disability-related programs available.

How to Apply

In order to apply for funding, please visit Students can ask for grant funding only or a combination of loans and grants. You do not  have to take student loans (ask one of our Financial Advisors how). The LAS Advisor must submit your grant application on your behalf.

Step 1- Submit an application online by visiting Student Aid Alberta.

This step is to assess your eligibility for regular funding. 

If you need help applying or have questions, please contact one of our Financial Advisors

In Person- Student & Enrolment Services, HA120 Phone # 780-479-9220


Step 2- Contact LAS and discuss what disability related grants you what to apply for. LAS will discuss funding options and will submit the paperwork on your behalf. 

Step 3- Once your application is processed, you will receive a Student Award letter which tells you if you are eligible for funding and how much you can expect to receive.


Getting Your Money

Funding will be issued when these 3 conditions are met:

For more information, please check this link.

Grant Reconciliation- FAQs

1.  Question: I’ve been approved for $1800 for a laptop and $300 for tutoring. I ended up spending $1400 on my laptop, Can I use the remaining $400 on tutoring instead of returning that money?

Answer: No. Normally, when a student spends over the amount they were approved for on an item and or service, they are responsible for the additional cost on their own. Reallocations are technically possible, but this is an exception and the LAS Advisor needs to submit the proper paperwork.

2. Question: Do I have to buy the same item that I used for a price estimate? 

Answer: No, but you will need to stick to the amount of money you were given for the item. Otherwise, you will have to pay the difference.

3. Question: When do I have to reconcile my grant?

Answer: You must reconcile your grant at the end of your study period. For example, if your funding application is for Fall and Winter, you must submit your receipts by the end of the Winter semester.

4. Question: What happens if I do not reconcile my grant?

Answer: If you do not reconcile your grant, your grant will be treated as an overpayment. Student Aid then will send you an electronic letter requesting the repayment of the entire grant or the unused portion- whichever is applicable. If you do not send the money back, Student Aid will recover the amount by reducing future Services & Equipment Grants till the amount is recovered. If you have an Alberta Grant for Student with Disabilities, your overpayment will turn into a loan. This will affect your credit score, so be careful.

5. Question: How can I send unused funds back to the Government?

Answer: Either  write a cheque or a money order to the Government of Alberta (the address to send your cheque or money order can be found at the bottom of the reconciliation of funds worksheet). Alternatively, you can send an e-transfer. 

Please instructions on page 2-3 of your award letter.

6. Question: I have got a lump sum of money into my account and I do not remember the breakdown of my grant. How can I check the amount I am approved for on an item and or service?

Answer: The LAS Advisor will always send everyone that got this grant a copy of their application. Please check your inbox for that email. Additionally, you can check the amount you are approved for on any item and or services by logging into your Student Aid Account and checking your student award letter (please read page 2 of your award letter).

7. Question- I applied for funding online and was turned down for funding. Does this mean I cannot get any Services and Equipment funding?

Answer: No. That only means you are not eligible for Federal Funding. Once the disability paperwork is processed, you should be able to get the Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities-which is the Provincial equivalent of the Canada Services and Equipment Grant.

8. Question: How can I track my application? 

Answer - You can keep track of your application by logging into your Student Aid Account. Additionally, you can check the application dates that Student aid is currently working on by visiting the student aid website and checking the Request for Review dates.

NOTE:  You can check your Student Aid to follow the progress of your grant application and know when it's processed. We recommend signing up for email and text messages notifications, so you can receive an email/and or text once the paperwork has been processed.

9) Question: Will the loan and grant funding go to Concordia, or will it be deposited into my bank account?

Answer: Student Aid chooses what funding is issued to Concordia at the start of each term. Our Student Accounts Office will make a tuition request to cover your tuition and the funds are sent to us around the start of the semester. All remaining funds get deposited into your bank account. This applies for Loans and Grants -except for the Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities and The Canada Services & Equipment Grant.

10) Question: What are the deadlines to apply for Disability Funding?

AnswerDeadlines for Disability-Related Grants

30 days prior to to the end of your current study period. 

 30 days prior to to the end of your current study period.

Study periods between 7-12 months - 90 days prior to to the end of your current study period.

Study periods between 4-6 months- 30 days prior to to the end of your current study period.

For Study periods that are less than 4 months- Apply no later than the study period start date (i.e. spring/summer terms, apprenticeship programs) 

11) Question: Do I have to submit receipts?

Answer: Canada Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities - once it has been approved and there is no need to do more paperwork after the first time we apply. As long as you submit an online application for funding every year, you'll be automatically considered for this grant. No receipts are required for this grant.

Canada Services and Equipment Grant and/or Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities- If approved, this grant is deposited into your account, and you must submit receipts to Student Aid to prove you spent that money for its intended purposes. Any unused funds must be returned to Student Aid.

How to set up Tutoring and Academic Strategist Services Using Student Aid Funding


There are a few ways you can find a tutor:

For more details, please check this infographic 

NOTE: For rates over $25 per hour, you will also need to get a CV or resume and a copy of the tutor's credentials so that LAS can include them in your funding application. 


What's an Academic Strategist?

Academic Strategists meet with students with disabilities individually to instruct them in non-content based academic strategies. For example, they can support students in building skills such as time management, organization, reading comprehension, note taking, writing skills, test preparation, test-taking strategies, memory strategies, attention and concentration strategies, self-advocacy skills, and stress management

If you need an academic strategist, please discuss this with LAS so that can be included in your funding application with Student Aid. 

When to Apply & Important Deadlines

Disability-Related Documentation Required 

Students with documented permanent disabilities can apply for grants to help pay for education-related costs.  In order to be considered as a student with a permanent disability, you are required to provide a copy of your psycho-educational assessment (if you have one), or a verification of disability form signed by a medical professional. 

For Verification of disability Form (only for students with no psycho-educational assessment), click here.


NEADS-Financial Aid 


CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)

Canadian Hearing Services 

CUE Financial Aid & Awards

When to Apply

As soon as you know that you need student financial aid, apply for a student loan as quickly as possible. If you do not receive an instant response from the Student Aid online application, it may take 4 – 6 weeks to process a student loan application. The sooner you apply, the sooner you will know what amount of funding you are eligible to receive.

You can apply for a student loan even before you register for classes. Students need to apply each year that they require funding. You are encouraged to do so when the new application becomes available in June of each year. Applying early also ensures your funding is in place by the start of term when fees are due.

If you are seeking financial assistance for spring and summer sessions, you are encouraged to apply early.  Your course load will determine if a full-time or a part-time funding application should be submitted.  Please speak to a Financial Aid Advisor for assistance (


Deadlines for Disability-Related Grants

30 days prior to the end of your current study period. 

 30 days prior to  the end of your current study period.

Study periods between 7-12 months - 90 days prior to  the end of your current study period.

Study periods between 4-6 months- 30 days prior to the end of your current study period.

For Study periods that are less than 4 months- Apply no later than the study period start date (i.e. spring/summer terms, apprenticeship programs) 

When to Reconcile your Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment Grant and the Alberta Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities.

You must submit receipts for your purchases of assistive services and equipment before the end of your current study period showing the funds received were used as intended.

Reduced Course Load

What does it mean to Study at a Reduced Course Load?

A student with a permanent disability  who is registered in 40 to 59% of a full course load may be eligible to apply for either part-time or full-time student aid. Students in this situation should meet with the LAS Advisor or Financial Aid Advisor to discuss which option will be best for them.

If a student chooses to apply for full-time student aid when registered in 40 to 59% of a full course load, the student must have the LAS Advisor complete the Reduced Course Load section of the Schedule 4 form.

NOTE: Please be advised that reduced course load only applies to Student Aid Alberta. If you need to be a full time student outside Student Aid Alberta, please make sure you check the policies of the service provider. 


If you receive funding towards assistive services & equipment, Alberta Student Aid will mail you information about the amount of your grant and its purpose. You must submit receipts for your purchases of assistive services and equipment before the end of your current study period showing the funds received were used as intended. A Reconciliation Worksheet is available at to help you track and reconcile your receipts.

Here's how to reconcile your grant: 

Make sure that attendance logs include the hourly rate, duration of the session, and confirmation of payment. Receipts submitted without this information are not eligible. 

Either mail these documents to the AB Student Aid, Disabilities office using the address listed at the bottom of the reconciliation form OR login to your account to submit your correspondence electronically at

Indicate 'Attn: Disability Grants' and make sure you write your name and social insurance number on all your receipts.


1. Log into your Student Aid Portal.

2. Click on e-documents upload button (on the right-hand corner of your screen) .

3. Select- Disability Receipts from the drop off menu then select the funding application related to the submission of the receipts. 

4. Select the files you need to upload (reconciliation of funds worksheets, receipts, and attendance logs (if applicable) and click submit. 


Unused funds must be returned to Alberta Student Aid. If you do not provide receipts for all the funding used, or do not return unused funding, these funds will be considered overpaid and future grant funding will be reduced.

Please submit payment for any unused funds to Alberta Student Aid by using one of the following payment options: online via your bank, at your bank, or by telephone banking using payee "Grant- Alberta Student Aid" and referencing your Alberta Student Number. Or mail your cheque or money order for any unused funds (payable to the Government of Alberta) to Alberta Student Aid, indicating your name and social insurance number, Attn: Disability Grants, using the address indicated above.

 For online e-transfer, please follow the instructions below

1.     Select the Payee: Alberta Student Aid – Grant

2.     Enter the Account Number: Your Alberta Student Number (Do not add dashes) 


1.You can check the status of your application and correspondence by logging into your Student Aid Portal. To check your correspondence, please select the relevant application from the list of applications and select the correspondence icon from the drop off menu. Once you click on the correspondence icon, you will see all the letters Student Aid sent you related to that application.