Be heard, find clarity & integrate your experience
in an Empathic Listening session 

 Each Empathic Listening session is focussed on finding the deeper meaning (unmet needs) behind specific thoughts, interactions, situations, thoughts or patterns that may be unresolved in your mind. They  can be booked in bundles starting from two - giving you flexibility on timings without any need for a longer-term commitment.

Unlock the insight within what's been on your mind

A space where you can be deeply heard on that thing

No interruption, criticism, judgement or advice

Receive reflections on your feelings and needs

Find clarity, understanding & integration

Book sessions with flexibility, with a minimum order of 2

Listening to Andrea's guidance on empathic listening skills has been a game-changer for me. Previously, I felt confused and unsure in my interactions with others. Learning to truly listen has given me a 360-degree view of my relationships, prompting me to speak up more for myself. This newfound confidence has transformed my self-esteem and improved my connection with others.
J, 40, IT Consultant.

Book your Empathic Listening sessions with flexibility 

2 empathic listening sessions, £120

4 Empathic listening sessions, £200

9 Empathic listening sessions, £415

Our empathic listening conversation had a huge impact on the overall peace and self love I felt... In my conversations with others these past few months, I've often referred back to some ah ha moments during our conversations that fundamentally shifted my internal self talk more towards love and compassion. Thank you for that 🙏🙏
C, 23, Masters student.

What's happens in an Empathic Listening session?

💡Focus on a specific experience

💖 Connect to your deeper feelings and needs 

✨Access inspiration for practical action

💞Learn how to give yourself empathy in the process

This could help you if...

It may not be for you if...

What's that like for you to read?

Some empathy for right now is: you don't need to have it all figured out to get value from an empathic listening session! It's not about being able to tick everything off this list - think of these points more as intentions that you will be gently brought back to during the process. The aim is to have openness and curiosity to explore in order to get a more understanding of your situation.

I had a lot of old limiting beliefs coming up while beginning a new project, and her gentle presence and compassion have helped me acknowledge what I'm experiencing without getting stuck in stories... Andrea has a graceful way of bringing me back to the present moment by helping me to focus on how I feel in my body & heart. I am now moving forward with clarity and confidence to work towards my goals. So grateful for you, Andrea
D, 36, Healing Justice Practitioner.

Topics empathic listening sessions have helped with
Empathic listening sessions have supported others to move through self-connection challenges like: 

Or if there's something else you would like support with, book a free consultation call and we can see whether empathic listening may be supportive for you.

More about Empathic Listening

How does Self-Connection impact Relationships?

Relationships of all kinds offer a mirror into what needs to be healed in us. Things can get particularly messy when we don't have a strong connection to self. Which is where cultivating self-connection through empathic listening can help:

'Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance the self.
And only through working on the self can we begin to enhance our connectedness to others.'
Harriet Lerner, Clinical Psychologist.

Whilst you may want to work on creating a strong sense of self-trust and inner guidance (which previous clients and myself  have found to be a game-changer), this process also helps with understanding how everyone's needs matter. From that place, creative solutions to meet everyones' needs can be found. This is the core of Compassionate Communication, also known as Nonviolent Communication (NVC), where the practice comes from. All of this takes energy, which is why I support people with cultivating the skill of self-connection: offering reassurance that it is something you can learn!

Further Ways to Deepen your Self-Connection

These more in-depth sessions are available for 2 people and run for at least 3 hours. It's a slow and gentle process, where both parties are supported in hearing themselves, as well as each other.

This one is for when you want to go fully deep into your self-connection! Developed from Simon Sinek's Find your Why process, the 2 week journey harvests insights to get clarity on your wider purpose and core values, articulating these to create a north star from which you can use to live a more aligned life. This intensive and illuminating work consists of: 

These meetings will be supported with email guidance for your preparation and next steps. As a collaborative process, you will need to complete:


Offering empathic listening towards the vision of a world everyone has the self-connection and clarity to make choices from their desires, needs and boundaries - whilst honouring those of others too.

Self-Connection is a Skill 2023©