When did you last feel seen and heard?

Get supported in Empathic Listening sessions to find the insight and integrate what's stuck in your head

On thoughts that live rent-free in your head

You know those thoughts that come up in your mind about situations or conversations with others, or even moments with yourself, that don't sit right with you? Maybe they come along every now and again, or they could turn into over-thinking. You might give them some attention as you think about them, but they never quite feel resolved. Like an open loop in your mind that you keep drifting back to. 

Advice, assumptions & diagnosis can get in the way

This is where your inner critic can happily jump in to start intellectualising what's going on. Or you find yourself seeking external reassurance or validation. Maybe you have spoke with friends in chats that volley between your experiences and theirs - never quite getting deep enough into what's going on for you. Or you receive well-meaning assessments, comparisons or interpretations based on others' perspectives. Which only take you further away from understanding your experience. 

How would you like the option to be able to book a couple of conversations where the full focus is on deeply understanding the specific thing that's been on your mind - and why it wants your attention?
A space where you can: 

The Empathic Listening process helps you to cultivate more connection to yourself in the moment, whilst learning new ways to understand yourself (and others) in the future. Does that sound like it could be supportive for where you're at...?

Your NVC Emotional Support Bestie, here to help

Hi, I'm Andrea and as a recovering people pleaser, I get how easy it is for thoughts to spiral when you are less connected to your inner guidance. I offer Empathic Listening sessions that support the self-connection process and find the deeper meaning (unmet needs) behind why seemingly small things stir up emotions. 

Empathic Listening is a practice from Nonviolent Communication (NVC) that supports the self-connection process. It isn't therapy, although it can have therapeutic benefits in terms of emotional healing. As a Practitioner of NVC sharing empathic listening weekly for the past 4 years, it would be an honour for me to accompany you on the journey back into connection with yourself.

It was refreshing to express myself, un-judged, and have that reflected back to me.

G, Real Estate Investor, 32.

How to book your flexible Empathic Listening sessions

Before your first session:

🧠 You are overthinking about an upcoming situation or ruminating on something that happened.

🙋‍♀️ Reach out to me - your NVC Emotional Support Bestie, to schedule a free 15 minute connection call to see if it's for you.

🎁 Choose the bundle of sessions that works for you, starting from 2 sessions to use in a month.

During your first session:
⏳ Once payment has been received we can either flow into your first session, or schedule for another time.
💻 You'll need reliable internet and a private space for 60 mins.

Care after your session:
〰️ Give yourself some gentle time to reflect and integrate.

🌍 Go back out into the world and stay curious to what you may notice about your experience.

💖 When you have further insights on the subject, or something else to explore, book your next session!

🌊 Enjoy the flexibility of booking sessions ad hoc, without a longer-term commitment.

What's next for your

You can find out more about empathic listening sessions, or check out the frequently asked questions. You can also read about what other people have said about their empathic listening experiences.

You can read more about me. If you're curious to know how it could help you, you'd be welcome to book a free connection call to find out more. 

Wishing you well from your NVC Emotional Support Bestie,


Offering empathic listening towards the vision of a world everyone has the self-connection and clarity to make choices from their desires, needs and boundaries - whilst honouring those of others too.

Self-Connection is a Skill 2023©