Site Report Questions

Reports encompass performance measures, narrative reporting, and numeric reporting which are listed in more detail below. You are only required to report on the information relevant for your VISTA project (i.e. performance measures) and any other data you may collect for your organization’s purposes (i.e. demographic information of beneficiaries). Narrative reporting helps us to share our story and program impact with AmeriCorps. This year, we are aiming for depth over breadth in the narrative questions. Rather than respond to every question, we are asking that you choose one from each section and respond in greater detail.

Narrative Reporting

Section 1 - Choose one and respond in 2-3 paragraphs.  

Section 2 - Choose one and respond in 2-3 paragraphs.  

Attachments and Links

Numeric Reporting

Community Volunteers

Resource Development

Beneficiaries (We only collect this data at the end of the VISTA member's term. These numbers should reflect the full year. Estimates are allowed.)

Performance Measures
These will be collected in a separate document sent individually to host sites.


Measure and target selected by site during host site application process.

Capacity Building

Measure and target is the same for all sites. Capacity building questions are only asked in the third and final report.