Member Onboarding

ACTION Item: Onsite Orientation & Training (OSOT) Plan

VISTA and IAMNCC offer program-wide orientation and training to members. Onsite Orientation & Training (often referred to by VISTA as OSOT) is how members get acclimated to and trained for their specific site and VISTA position.

VISTA requires that we collect an Onsite Orientation & Training plan for each member. Plans are due no later than two weeks before your VISTA starts (upload your document using the link below). There is no template or format you need to follow; your site may already have a template for onboarding new staff or volunteers that you can follow. 

That said, the plan must:


OSOT Checklist & Ideas (these are not required components of your OSOT but can be used as a resource for getting started)

Upload Your Onsite Orientation & Training Plan

AmeriCorps Onboarding Paperwork

Members will receive emails directly from AmeriCorps asking for pre-service documents. These need to be completed prior to their start date (ideally at least a week before). You will log into your My AmeriCorps portal and complete:

Additional information related to these required documents and forms can be found at the VISTA Campus

Save the Dates - Member Orientation

ACTION Item: Teleservice Request Form

Effective January 31, 2023, the VISTA Teleservice & Virtual Service Site Request and Agreement Form migrated to the My AmeriCorps Member Portal; and approvals can now be done by site supervisors and project directors through the eGrants Portal. 

Linked here is a 'Reference Guide' that details the new process for requesting and approving teleservice for your VISTA Member.

For more information on VISTAs new teleservice policy, visit our Teleservice page.

This page includes a full list of member benefits, including those offered by AmeriCorps VISTA and Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact.