Damar Hamlin's Cardiac Arrest

Damar Hamlin: What happened?

By Will Kelly

Damar Hamlin, a safety for the Buffalo Bills was playing an NFL game against the Bengals on January 2, 2023 when he tackled Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins. He got up after making the tackle then collapsed on the field. Damar Hamlin was suffering from a cardiac arrest, and his heart was stopped. After being given CPR his heartbeat was revived. Then he was put on a stretcher, put in an ambulance and driven to the University of Cincinnati Health Center.

Bills and Bengals players were shocked. The entire Bills and Bengals sidelines went onto the field to show their support. Some players began to pray and others turned away in horror. Bengals and Bills players were supposed to return to playing the game but after Bengals coach, Zach Taylor and Bills coach, Sean McDermott had a conversation, they decided to postpone the game then later the game was canceled. 

Fans at the game showed a lot of support, some stayed at the stadium with signs for Damar Hamlin, while others went to the University of Cincinnati Health Center to show their support. Most people weren’t at the stadium or hospital but everyone was hoping Damar Hamlin would make a recovery. 

Damar Hamlin’s condition is now improving and is expected to make a full recovery. Damar had his first interview since his cardiac arrest on Monday, February 13. Even though Damar Hamlin is fully recovered, this event will never be forgotten.