Appreciating CA Coaches

Photo: Colorado Academy


our P.E. Coaches

By Lydia Blessing, Siena Smith, Victoria Rodriguez, and Elle Mize

The coaches that push you through hard and challenging practices are the ones that care. Some of us may see our coaches as people that come in, coach the class, then leave. Turns out there is so much more to it than that. Your P.E. coaches care about giving you the athletic education that you need here at Colorado Academy. Hopefully after reading this you will discover how much they care and everything these coaches do just to make your practices memorable.

We interviewed three coaches to ask them about their perspective in this situation.

Coach Veronica Scott

Field Hockey Coach

Q: Do you feel you’re appreciated by your students?

 What we got from this question was she felt appreciated. She says,“I always get lots of thank you’s after practices, and just the general acknowledgment in the hallways comes through as appreciation. Middle school students are especially good at always saying hi.”

Q: Do you feel like you have an impact on CA’s athletic education?

Coach Scott responds, “I would hope I could say yes to that question, I think I can, I guess it depends on what my students think :).”

Q: How much time do you spend each week preparing activities for your students?

Coach Scott spends more time planning for the athletes than she does actually coaching on the field. She says, “When I’m in season and doing Field Hockey, I would easily spend a couple of hours off campus, making sure we have our practice plans and so forth.”

Q: Roughly how much money goes into equipment each year?

Coach puts your needs over anything else. “It’s really just about safety and making sure nobody gets hurt, I am grateful for CA to allow me to purchase what we need to keep athletes safe whilst playing.” 

Q: Are you proud to teach these kids?

A: “Absolutely. Yes. I love coaching you all!”

What we got from this interview are some of the ways that the coaches care about the students and how simple acknowledgments can make the coaches day or just by saying “thank you” after practice.  

Coach Caitlin Simbeck 

Lower and Middle School P.E. Coach 

Q: Do you feel you're appreciated by the kids that you coach? 

A: “Yes. Absolutely.”

Q: How do the students express their appreciation?

A: “They come in ready to go and they work hard and that’s how they show appreciation.”

Q: How much time do you take each week preparing activities for your students?

A: “It depends. A lot of times, we'll plan our units by trimester.” 

Q: What do you consider when planning your lessons? 

A: Coach Caitlin tells us that she really appreciates seeing teamwork and tries to make sure that her lessons include teamwork. She also appreciates seeing her students learn from each other and seeing them make mistakes and learning from them.

Q: Are you proud to teach these kids?

A: “Absolutely yes. I think one of the coolest things about teaching at CA that I respond to the most is that we’re not just teaching you guys to be successful in life but also to be kind while doing it.”

Coach Caitlin enjoys seeing her students working with their teammates. What we learned from Coach Caitlin’s interview is that she enjoys helping her students learn and how growth makes the most wonderful learners and players. 

Coach Elizabeth Drazdowski (Draz)

Middle School Athletic Director

Q: Do you feel physical education is important in CA’s curriculum?

A: "When you have opportunities to move, run, play and compete, it helps you focus better in the classroom and become much better students.”

Q: Do you feel you're appreciated by the kids that you coach?

A: “When I see any kid out there, and they either figure something out for the first time, they have an ✨AHA✨ moment or they're smiling with their teammates, I feel appreciated.”

Q: Do you feel like you have an impact on CA's athletic education?

Coach Draz thinks that CA has a great system for learning sports. Many times she tells us that there is math involved in what they are playing which has an impact on education.

Q: How much time do you take each week preparing activities for your students?

A: “I would say all of my working hours outside of coaching. Around 45 hours a week”.

Q: What do you consider when planning your lessons?

She asks herself questions like: “What gyms do we have available? What sports are you currently in? What sports do we want you to have learned before next year? What sports do we want you to learn for high school?”

What we got from this interview is that Coach Draz appreciates your support and eagerness to learn new sports. She appreciates when she sees students understanding what’s happening and feel comfortable asking for help.