1st TPM -Minute

Agualva-Cacém - Portugal | 1st TPM from 28th October to 02nd November 2018MINUTE of the 1st Transnational Project Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project 2018-1-RO01-KA201-049106”LET’S LIVING AND MOVING CONSCIOUSLY IN OUR EUROPE” The host organization/school: Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra, PORTUGAL The meeting of representative teachers of the 5 participating schools took place with the following agenda:1. Introduction of teachers present & involved in the project - Informal frame work (LISBON by tuk-tuk / on foot)2. eTwinning platform - Twinspace of the Project – Workshops3. Formal Introduction of teachers present and information about teachers involved in the project4. Visiting the school Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias5. Experience with international Erasmus+ projects, eTwinning and other programs; Organization and development of the project implementation; Distribution of tasks for the project according to experience and capability.6. Informal event of welcome, organized by the students of the host school7. Timing activities and transnational mobilities8. Elaborating of plans: a plan for promoting and disseminate results; a plan for communication9. Define ICT tools to use in classroom on European platforms10. Web-site project platform - Draft Menu – Workshop11. Draft program for 1st Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activity - Meeting & 2nd Transnational Project Meeting12. Evaluation session of the 1st Transnational Project Meeting 13. Closing Ceremony – Vídeo presentation of the school partners to the students of Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias14. Other Brief details:1. In the first day of the meeting we have had the introduction of teachers present & involved in the project. Interaction among all the partners have had an informal frame work (named LISBON by tuk-tuk / on foot), an opportunity to know one another.2. The Workshops on Twinspace’ Project, on the eTwinning platform, one of the main working platforms for our project, where we will upload, share and disseminate all our results. 3. Formal Introduction of teachers present and information about teachers involved in the project - All the partners presented their schools through videos or PowerPoint presentations which will be available on the project’s Twinspace and project website.4. Visiting the school Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias - The Secondary School Ferreira Dias, Agualva-Sintra, is inserted in a socio-economic environment, not very favorable, with low education index families, with students who have careers with full secondary education, post-secondary education or higher education. The school has about 1800 students in day school and about 350 students in evening classes. They have professional courses in Technical and Artistic and present further courses of study areas of Humanistic, Scientific, Technological and Artistic. The largest number of classes is affection secondary and designed for further study. 5. All the partners presented their experience with international Erasmus+ projects, eTwinning and other programs; Organization and development of the project implementation - Each partner school should have already nominated the implementation teams & the groups of students who will participate in the project, having in mind that by the end of the project on 31 august 2020, there should be at least 96 students involved in the project who have been monitored, from which 72 students will participates in the LTTAs (Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activity); There are three budget categories – Management and Implementation, Transnational Project Meetings and Learning/Teaching/Training Activities and the appointed numbers should be respected. Any other changes concerning numbers of participants will have to be approved by the Romanian NA of the proposing country.It is important to be aware of the fact that by the 31st August 2020 all money should be either physically spent or by contract and that no further expenses will be taken into account after this date.The final report will have to be completed by the 30 October 2020 and all the documents should be kept for 3-5 years, according to Romanian NA requirements. Distribution of tasks for the project according to experience and capability.The Portuguese partners are responsible for the creation of the website page. The creation of a logo for the project was discussed as it is considered highly important for the dissemination actions and the publication of results. It has to be original and related to the main topic of the. Every official document has to have the Erasmus logo, as well as the project’s logo and name.The responsible for the twinspace (eTwinning) will be Croatian team. 6. The students of the host school Informal organized an event of welcome, under the guidance of the coordinating teacher Natividade FILIPE and others teachers involved in project from the host school Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra, like: Teresa Maria RODRIGUES FECHA, Ricardo DOMINGUES & Nuno Miguel SILVA FERREIRA. 7. Timing LTTA (Learning/Teaching/Training Activities) According to the 1st Gantt chart C1 – ROMANIA – November 2018C2 – ITALY – April 2019C3 – CROATIA – October 2019C4 – PORTUGAL – March 2020 According to the 2nd Gantt chart C1 – ROMANIA – April/May 2020C2 – ITALY – May 2019C3 – CROATIA – March 2019C4 – PORTUGAL – November 2019For the Cs, there should be a participants list, signed daily; a certificate per school/person; a declaration of participation per school/person; the Europass Mobility for students, a certificate for accompanying person; the meeting’s agenda and photos of all the activities. Every host partner should have the documents ready for each meeting in advance. Timing next Transnational Project Mobilities (TPM)2nd TPM – ITALY – 24-29 March 20193rd TPM – ROMANIA – 21-25 October 20194th TPM – CROATIA – May/June 2020 For each TPM a set of documents should be available: a daily participants list signed by each participant; the minutes of the meeting, a certificate per school /person; a declaration of participation per school/person; the meeting’s official agenda; photos of the activities throughout the meeting and a meeting pack. 8. Elaborating of the plans - workshops Elaborating of the plan for promoting and disseminate resultsPlan headings: General Information’s; Objectives of the dissemination and exploitation; Target groups; Visibility of the European Union and of the Erasmus+ Program; Where we will use the emblem; Disclaimer text for publications; Dissemination channels – online and offline; Template to collect Disseminations Activities; Means to exploit the results of the project; When we disseminate and exploitate the Project activities.The sections of the plan itself:Activities WHAT? Target Group TO WHO? Channels HOW? Resources Responsibilities WHO? Deadlines WHEN? Elaborating of plan for communication:Plan headings: General Information’s; The language of communication; Channels for Communication; Contact address of the Coordinator; Contact address of the Beneficiaries; The sections of the plan itself: What? When? How? To Whom? Who?
9. The group discussed about the defining ICT tools to use in classroom on European platforms:- General ICT tools: Desktop and laptops, Projector, Digital cameras, Printer, Photocopier, tablets, iPod/iPad, Web boards, Scanners, Microphones, interactive white board, DVDs and CDs etc.- ICT Tools for Brainstorm/organizing​: Padlet - Create a poster/brainstorm online - ICT Tools for Presentations: Google Slides - Work on the same presentation at the same time; Prezi - Create an online slideshow; SlideShare - Share what you know and love through presentations, infographics, documents and more etc. - ICT Tools for Studying / Creative creations: Wordle - Create a poster (word cloud) out of words; Vocabulary - Acquire vocab easily; Kahoot - Interactive and motivational quiz etc.- ICT Tools for Online collaboration: Edmodo - The safest and easiest way for educators to connect and collaborate with students, parents, and each other; Google Docs - Work on the same document at the same time; Google Slides - Work on the same presentation at the same time etc. 10. Workshop to make Draft Menu for our future Web-site project platform – the responsible partner was Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra, PORTUGAL 11. Draft program for 1st Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activity – MeetingPresentation of partners countries/schools Social activities Presentation of national/local cultural heritage Visit to sustainable tourism companies International team-work on unconventional package The school educational system - teacher presentationsSchool Open DayCountry and craft presentation Project dissemination – press conference/release Presentation of packagesEvaluation of the 1st LTTA Draft program for 2nd Transnational Project MeetingIntroduction of Italian team & guest teams (videos/power point)Visiting the schoolFeedback on all activities undertaken (debate & questionnaire) eTwinning platform - Twinspace of the Project - WorkshopsWorking on the 1st Progress Report according the Agreement Partnership (Italy, Croatia and Portugal)Working on the project website (material to load on it)Cultural visitFinishing the first progress reportDraft program for the 2nd Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activity - Meeting Draft program for the 3rd Transnational Project MeetingEvaluation session of the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting Closing Ceremony 12. Evaluation session of the 1st Transnational Project Meeting - Overall the feedback is very good, therefore the meeting is concluded and deemed as successful. 13. Closing Ceremony – Reminder Moment - Vídeo presentation of the school partners to the students of Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, and after this moment the guest’s participants received the Certificates of Attendance. 14. No other issues were mentioned Therefore, the meeting is concluded and signed by school coordinators, today, Saturday, 02nd of November, 2018, in Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra, PORTUGAL: 1 Colegiul Economic „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, ROMANIA, Coordinator, Camelia-Domnica MOCANU2 Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra, PORTUGAL, Partner, Natividade FILIPE3 Istituto Professionale di Stato - Servizi per l'Enogastronomia e l'Ospitalità Alberghiera - S. Savioli, Riccione, ITALY, Partner, Anna Maria ODDI4 Srednja skola Hrvatski kralj Zvonimir Krk, CROATIA, Partner, Ana PASARIC Place: Agualva-Cacém Date: 02nd November 2018The host organization/school: Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra