LTTAs = Learning / Teaching / Training Activities

The added value of these learning, teaching and training activities include:

1- Getting to know, acquiring a deeper knowledge, respect and appreciation while living different life style and different cultures, is a huge worth experience, an added value, considering the main theme, the activities concerned and the human/professional experience gained by students, teachers and the local community;

2- The making of comparisons in education systems, teaching approaches, environmental strategies adopted, will provide positive examples for personal, cultural and professional interaction and integration;

3- A dynamic and flexible didactic method, adjustable and adaptable to the different single participants, social context or any other weak point or difficulty we may meet during project's existence. Teachers will be engaged in problem solving didactic issues, working day by day on different organizational and methodological options to favor interaction between learners-teachers-context.

As concerns long-term activities achieved through the project objectives, we consider:

1- Sustainability a further development and a way to secure and satisfy requirements for present and future generations;

2- Promoting an active citizenship and a culture awareness at sustainable level through transnational mobilities, offering challenging experiences of vital importance for all participants being their legacy for future existence;

3-The exploited didactic actions a way to lead participants to assume ability in action-research, making reflection and establish guide-line criteria during the course;

4- method and content a way to arouse in each participant spirit of identity, culture and human knowledge, social awareness, professionalize, social toleration, appreciation of diversity while sharing ideals of common European belonging.